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Today is Wednesday and y/n only has one more day left with her friends.
Y/n has been up for awhile. She got up at 4:00 am and has been awake since.
The aviators get up at 5:00 and it is now 7:30, the test starts at 8.

Rooster walks up to y/n and says "hey y/n/n! Are you nervous?" She says "very, I have to pass this"

He says "darling, listen to me. You will do amazing, you always do! Don't let the stress of being a Mitchell stress you out"

I say "Rooster, I don't think you understand, my dad is the best pilot in the Navy. I have to ace this or he will be sooooo disappointed. He already didn't want me here so I have to prove him wrong"

He says "just do your best and don't think about what your dad will think. I have complete and udder faith in you. You got this in the bag, you know why? Because you're Ghost, by the time they see you it's too late. You'll kill it!"

I say "Goo... Rooster, I don't know what I'd do without you" and massively hugs him.
Hangman walks up and says "hey babe, come on, let's go get our seats for the test!"
Y/n says "hold on babe, I have to go see admiral Hank first"

I head to his office and knock. He says "come in!" 

I walk in and say " sir, you wanted to see me?"
He says "yes, I did! You are being dispatched to Naval Station in Norfolk. It's in south-eastern Virginia."

She says "thank you sir! When will I be leaving?"
He says "Day of graduation"
I say "S... sir, say of graduation? What time?"

He says "you'll only have an 30 minutes after graduation. Then you have to leave, you will be taking the Northrop F-5E. It's a single seater so you will be keeping it there with you."
I say "T... thank you sir! I appreciate everything you've done for me." 

He says "you're welcome, dismissed" they salute each other and she heads to the test room.
She walks in and immediately rooster spots her and says " okay there's something wrong, you look very upset" while putting a hand on her arm.

She says "oh, what? Nothings wrong. I'm just... nervous" and smiles softly.
He says "are you sure?" 

I say "Roo, honey don't worry about me, focus on this test" and smiles. They get to their stations. Fireball hands out the papers, he's the admirals assistantThe test lasted about three hours, everyone finished around the same time except for y/n. She finished 45 minutes early.

Admiral walks in and says "listen up! You have an hour before the last test is given. Everyone except for Ghost, come see me in my office separately.
Y/n had went to the gymnasium to warm up and prepare for this test.
Rooster walks in the gymnasium abs shouts "y/n/n!?"

I say "Rooster, what are you doing in here?" He says " I was looking for you. I feel like there's something you need to see. Follow me" and takes her hand. 

I say " Rooster? What's wrong?" He doesn't say anything and continues walking.

She stops and pulled him to a stop and walked around go him and says "Bradley? Tell me what's going on right now" he says "I don't know how to tell you this" she says "Roo, you can tell me anything" and smiles.

He sighs and says "H... hangman is... he's uh... he's cheating on you" She says "Bradley? Where is he?"

He says "I'll take you to him if you want me to" she nods. He takes her to him and she sees it for herself. Jake was indeed cheating on her.

When she saw this she says "Jake?" In The most broken, hurt and disappointed voice, then runs off.

He turns around and says "babe, it's not what it looks like!" And runs after her. Rooster also running after her.

Rooster gets to her first and she turns around slamming into him, giving him the biggest hug. Rooster says "hey hey hey, don't cry darling! Please don't cry. I'll make him regret doing that, you don't treat my best friend like that." She continues to sob but then hangman shows up and says "baby, that's not what it looked like!"

She just holds onto Bradley even more. He was near her and she says "stay away from me!" But he continues to walk closer. Rooster says "she said stay back" in a protective tone. Hangman says " you won't be able to keep her away from me Bradshaw"

Rooster says " as long as I'm around, yeah you will" and punches him and says " if she said stay back, you stay back"

They walk off and leave hangman standing here. Rooster says "you deserve so much better darling, so much better" and kisses her forehead. 

They get situated and Hank shouts " ALRIGHT EVERYBODY! this test consists of 200 push-ups in 15 minutes, 200 sit ups in 10 minutes, 50 pull ups in 20 minutes, 50 100 pound bench presses in 7 minutes, 50 150 dead weight lifting in 7 minutes , five minute plank, and you have to run a mile in under 10 minutes. You will each have a coach standing there counting for you and timing you. good luck aviators." 

The head coach shouts " everybody, get into position. We are starting in five, four, three, two, one and begin"

Me and Rooster are side-by-side competing at the same pace for pretty much the whole thing. But unfortunately I failed the pull-ups section. 

Hank walks up and says " congratulations aviators! We will do all the calculating for all three tests and we will let you know your scores tomorrow at graduation!" And walks off.
Rooster is panting but says "h...how... d... do... you... t...think we...di...did?"
She says while panting "pre...pretty...g...good!"

He says "well, we... will find... out to... tomorrow" They all head to their bunkers and y/n runs into Phoenix.

She says " hey girlfriend! How do you think we all did? I can't believe tomorrow's graduation, I hope some of us will be able to be together when we get dispatched."

I say " I think I did pretty well, I can't believe it's already been 4 years!"
Phoenix says " Who are you gonna miss the most? Your boyfriend?"

I say " no, we're not together anymore" She says " wait what!!? What happened!?"
I say " rooster came in the gym earlier today and told me there was something that I needed to see and he told me that he was cheating on me but I needed to see it for myself and lo and behold he was cheating on me with peacock"

Phoenix says " girl, I am so so sorry to hear that! Y'all been together for like 2 1/2 years! He's such a jerk! You deserve so much better than him anyways!" I say "Rooster told me the same thing"

She says " I mean, he's not wrong. So are you gonna date after this?"
I say " not until I find the one" Phoenix says " well, I have a feeling you've already met him, but I ain't saying anything" I say " Phoenix, what's that supposed to mean?" She says " i'll tell you when it happens" and smirks. 

I say " well, what if it never happens?" she says " then you'll never know. Simple" and smiles.
I say " well, we have a long day tomorrow. We should get some rest. It starts at nine so we at least need to be up by 7."

She says "alright! Sounds good! See ya tomorrow!"
Y/n heads to the washroom, gets her shower, and gets ready from bed dreading the day that awaits for her tomorrow.

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