5- great balls of fire

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Y/n hops on her motorcycle and speeds off towards The Hard Deck.
She arrives and sees a familiar motorcycle there.

She walks in and goes straight up to where Penny was. Penny says "Y/n! It's so nice to see you! You look gorgeous!! How have you been!?" She says "Penny!! It's been awhile! You look good too! I've been alright, I just left that miserable academy early this morning. It was HORRIBLE, I hated every second there." Penny says "I'm so sorry, did you get better tho?" She says "nope, my flying got worse" and laughs.

Her dad, who was sitting in the corner in a dark spot, says "hey honey!" She turns to her left and sees her dad. She jumps up and hugs him saying "Dad!! I missed you" he says "I missed you too. So they treated you bad?" She says "just because I was a woman. But I was glad to get out of there." And laughs. He says "I'm sorry kid." 

She then seees all her old friends from the other academy and runs over and shouts "PHOENIX!!!! I've missed you so so so so so much!!" And hugs her greatly. 

She says "Hangman" and nods. He says "oh come on darling, don't treat me like that. We have a history." She says "yes we do, even more reason to stay away from you. But you look good." He says "so do you. Im sorry y/n/n." She says "are you apologizing? To me!?" He says "yes, yes I am." She says "I forgive you bagman" and smirks.

Phoenix introduces her to everyone else there, all of a sudden the side doors open up and Rooster comes strutting in. Y/n hasn't noticed him yet, she's playing pool with hangman. He walks up and says "hey everyone!" And hugs Phoenix. As soon as y/n hears that she drops her pool stick and turns around. 

She says "Rooster?" He says "G...Ghost?" She runs up to him and gives him the biggest hug ever! He says "darling!! I've missed you so much! I didn't think I was going to see you again!" She says "I did tell you we were inseparable" and smirks. He says "You... you look beautiful" and smiles. She says "awe thanks Roo, you look quite handsome yourself." And smirks. 

Her and Rooster continue to talk for awhile when Penny rings the bell. Y/n turns around to see her dad shaking his head mouthing "I didn't know" and looks down. Y/n starts laughing and says "I feel bad for whoever that is" and laughs. Rooster also laughs and says " so, how was the Academy in Virginia?"

She says " it was horrible, they were so rude" he says "seriously!?" She says "very much so, I hate to say it but my flying got worse" and looks down. Rooster says "don't worry, mind did too" and smiles. She says "why did you get bad?" And laughs. 

He says "well, one I didn't have my wingwoman, two he didn't fly like you so he was a wimp didn't take risks that were necessary, three he sucked at Communication, and he was a jerk" and laughs. She says " wow, yeah my wingman didn't respect anything I told him to do, he was a jerk, and he wasn't that good of a pilot, hinche why he isn't here" and laughs. Rooster says "I missed you"

 she says "I missed you too Roo, I swear if I have to leave you again I might just die" and laughs. He says "that will make two of us" and laughs. She looks over and sees Penny had rung the bell again so hangman, fanboy and coyote throw my dad out of the Hard Deck.
All of a sudden Rooster then gets up and walks over to the piano sitting in the corner and says "come on Ghost" and she walks over sitting next to him.

He starts playing Great Balls Of Fire. He starts singing and occasionally looks over at y/n, meanwhile she's singing her heart out. Everyone else joins in all singing their hearts out to Great Balls Of Fire. Every time it said kiss me baby he leaned in kissing his cheek.
After it's over everyone starts chanting Roosters name and he gets up and starts dancing around sillyly.

Y/n says "you still got it Rooster" and laughs happily. He says "oh I never stopped playing. They brought a piano in the academy and I would play for everyone, they loved me" and laughs.
She says "A lot of people love you Rooster" and chuckles. He says "that seems like the case huh?" She says "mmhmm" and smirks. She then walks outside to see her dad still standing there. She says "hey Dad" he says "hey princess" 

she says "I know it's hard seeing him play that. I vaguely remember sitting at that piano with Rooster listening to his dad play that song over and over and over. I never got sick of hearing it though." He says "he's so much like him kid" 

she says "I know. I remember when yall went to the academy I stayed with them and he constantly played that song when he came around. Looking back I notice how much Bradley really is like Goose. It breaks my heart. He's been through so much. I miss them, I haven't seen Carol in awhile."

 He says "kid, she's about to die. She got diagnosed with cancer five years ago so she asked me to pull his papers from the Naval Academy because she didn't want to lose him the same way she lost Goose." She says "does Bradley know that's why you pulled them?" He says " I don't want him to hate his mother too. It's not fair to her" 

she says "yeah. Imma try to go visit her soon if I can" he says "she doesn't have much longer" she says "I know, I love her so much. I need to get back inside before someone comes looking for me" and laughs.

He says "bye kid, I'll see you tomorrow"
She says "tomorrow?" He says "don't tell anyone but I'm your trainer, bye love you!" And jumps on his motorcycle and zooms off. Y/n says " love you too!" And laughs. 

She goes back inside and rooster says "y/n/n where did you go? you were gone for a while" she says " I went outside to get some fresh air. It's really loud in here" and laughs. She says "well, I think I'm gonna head home now" 

He says "do you have a ride home?" She says "In fact I do. That beautiful ride out there." And points to her motorcycle. He says " its nice" she says "thanks! I've done a lot to it. It's an oldie" and laughs. He says how old is it?" She says "it was my dads when he went to Top Gun if that tells you anything" and laughs. 

He says "so very old then" and laughs. He adds "let me walk you out" and holds his arm out like a gentleman. She says " thanks Roo" he says "anything for you darling" and smiles. They arrive at her motorcycle and he says "goodbye Ghost, I'll see you tomorrow" she says "bye Rooster. I missed you"

He says "I missed you too" she hugs him and says "bye" and smiles sweetly.
She then drives off to her house, parks her bike and gets a shower immediately and falls asleep in her bed.

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