Chapter 13

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Tristen pulled up to his house, putting the truck in park he opened his door. "My parents are out with Gracie, we have the privacy we need." He got out and shut his door.

I grabbed the door handle and prayed that I had the courage to hear his story. I got out and followed him into his house like I have many times before. He lead me into the living room and pointed to a chair. I sat down while he sat on the couch.

This time I waited, it was his turn to start.

"So you know about werewolves and vampires, do you know anything else?" He asked.

I shook my head. "That's about it."

He nodded and ran a hand through his hair. "Anabel, before I start I want to say something first,okay?" I nodded. "I want you to hear me out threw all of it, when I'm done you can ask questions or yell or whatever. And when I'm done you can leave and never talk to me again if that's what you really want, okay?"

I took a deep breath and let it out. I"m finally getting the truth but Tristen's words make me second guess what I want. "Okay," I said.

He nodded. "My family has been in Wickery Forest ever since it was found, we were one of the first families to settle here. My family was the werewolves the people spoke of." He paused letting it sink in.

Tristen is a werewolf. My breathing quickened. Ash knew, she had to.

"Now my father is the Alpha of the pack today." Again he paused. "When he steps down, I will become Alpha."

Alpha? That's the leader of a pack of wolves. How many werewolves are still here? Part of me knows I should be freaking out, calling him crazy. I think I'm just glad I'm not crazy for believing Ash or I'm in shock.

"And last night a vampire showed up. Matt," He looked at me gauging my reaction. "Vampires live in Wickery Forest too. We used to be rivals but now we can't afford a war anymore. Now a days people are to smart, with computers and internet plus the government is monitoring everything. It would be easy to expose ourselves that way. I left you last night to meet up with the vampire covens leader, Victoria."

My eyes bulged at this news. Victoria is a vampire? The blonde popped up in my head, her perfect features with her smooth white skin and long golden hair. Now that Tristen said it I could tell he was telling the truth. I don't know how I didn't see it earlier.

"Now before I tell you my last confession, is there anything you have to say? or ask?"

My mind was reeling and questions kept popping up but when I opened my mouth nothing came out. Finally something did, "Ash was right," I stood and began to pace the living room.

Tristen nodded and watched me pace in front of him.

"But that means she could be right about everything." I muttered to myself.

"Like what, Anna?"

I stopped pacing and faced Tristen. This is what I came to say, he could help me. He is a supernatural being.

"Vampires killed my Dad, Tristen."

"What," He stood up and was two feet in front of me. That one word echoing off the walls in the room.

"Someone left this in my locker," I held of the picture that started it all. "I showed it to Ash, I thought it was werewolves."

Tristen looked at me and then down at the paper. He took it and unfolded it. His jaw clenched and he folded the paper back up and pocketed it.

"Ash said it looks more like vampires then werewolves. That you guys are territorial and the only reason why you would kill to protect but vampires do it out of boredom."

Tristen shook his head. "Ash was right, it was vampires." Tristen grabbed my hand in his. "Anabel, I am so sorry for what happened to your father. But you have to promise me something,"


"Don't go after them."

I frowned. "They killed my dad, Tristen. I can't just ignore that."

"I know and I'm not asking you to. I'm asking you to let me take care of it. I'll figure out whose responsible and I'll give the punishment."

I ripped my hand away. "You can't ask me to just stand back and let you do everything. He was my dad, Tristen, not yours. I need this. I already have Ash figuring out whose a vampire and whose not. I can do this."

Tristen muttered a curse under his breathe. "Anabel, do you know how dangerous this is? And you involved Ash! You could get killed. Vampires are very private creatures. If you go around snooping and they suspect that you found something out, they wont like it."

"I don't care." I said. I turn heading out of the living room but Tristen stopped me.

"And your mom? Will she say the same thing, when you end up dead?"

Mom, it would crush her. She barely survived when dad died.

But Tristen didn't need to know that. "Why do you care? We just met. All I was wanting was some help."

"Of course I care, Anna. I don't care if we just met or not, I'm not going to let you go on some suicidal mission."

"I'm sorry I asked for your help," I turned towards the door and grabbed the handle. I don't know how I'm getting home but I'll walk if I have to.

"Remember when I said I had one more thing to tell you," He said coming up behind me.

I sighed, I just want fresh air. "Yes," I turned around and wait for him to continue.

"There was something I left out about werewolves, Ash doesn't even know about it."

I'll admit I was intrigued. "Okay," I said taking a step towards him and bracing myself for the worst.

He cleared his throat. "So um, every werewolf finds a person in their life."

"Okay, do you mean like a right hand man?" I asked trying to understand.

"No, I don't mean a beta."

"What's that?"

The Alpha's second in command. But that's not what I wanted to tell you."

I was getting confused but waited to hear what he had to say.

"There's a girl or even a guy sometimes, that every werewolf waits for." He said slowly. Still confused, I nodded for him to continue. "A girl or a guy that they'll spend the rest of their life with." He continued to speak slow that way I understood everything.

Finally it dawned on me. "Oh, you have a girlfriend."

"What, no." He stopped my hand from going to the door knob again. "Anabel, I'm trying to tell you that you are that girl. Well that is if you want to be." At my stunned silence he said, "Anna, your my mate."

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