Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

He grinned down at me and said, "Annabel Lee?"

I sighed smiling, I let go of his hand and said, "Unfortunately, yes."

He laughed. Maggie, Tristen's mom walked over and his dad wrapped an arm around her waist bring her in close. I had a pain in my chest missing the sight of my own parents close to each other, wrapped in each others arms. I glanced away getting my barring.

"It's good to see you again, Annabel." Maggie said smiling at me. "How have you been?" She asked.

I forced a smile back her. "You to. I've been good."

"So where are your parents this evening, Annabel?" Henry asked taking a sip from his beer bottle.

The question, the one that everyone asked and the one that ends a conversation very quickly. I took a deep breath and said, "My mom had plans already today." I told him, I took the cup that Tristen handed me taking a sip. I smiled when the taste of Dr. Pepper filled my mouth.

Henry nodded in understanding. "And your father?" he asked nodding to a man passing us.

I looked down at my cup taking a few seconds running a finger along the rim of the cup. "He passed away." I said.

Everyone went silent taking in what I just said. I glanced at Tristen and the look on his face reminded me that I hadn't told him about that.

"I'm so sorry, Annabel." Maggie said reaching out a hand to squeeze my wrist. I nodded my thanks then a squeal sounded.

We all glanced to see Gracie run towards us, unaffected by what I said. This was like a play button for everyone; they all started moving at once towards the food or just anywhere that I wasn't. Gracie came barreling down towards me and run into my legs wrapping her small arms around my thighs.

"Bell!" Gracie said jumping up and down.

Hearing that name always took me back. My dad was the only one that ever called me that and hearing someone else even a four year old call me that always made me want to run to my dad's study and curl up on his old beat up chair and just watch him work.

I picked up Gracie placing her on my hip pushing her wild auburn hair out of her eyes. Gracie has come very much attached to me in the last couple days. I think it's cute. I'm an only child so I don't have a younger sister or brother.

Tristen walked up to me, "come on let's get some food." He said guiding me towards the kitchen where everyone went to get away from me.

I nodded smiling down at Gracie listening to her name off all the food that her mother had made.

I glanced over at Tristen seeing him shove someone. A cousin maybe? Tristen laughed as he feel into an older man that put him in a head lock. I grinned down at Gracie and nodded when she asked if i liked potato salad. I looked around the kitchen and saw smiles and heard laughter. I guess this is what it's like when your realitives live in the same town as you. My dad was an only child and my moms sister lives in Florida, we don't see family very often.

Gracie patted my check to get my attention again but something caught it before she could. Austin walked into the kitchen, he was greeted with cheer and cat calls. He glanced over seeing me, he gave me a small nod then started talking to Tristen their heads bent together.

Tristen glanced at me and nodded at Austin.

"Bell," Gracie yelled. I smiled at her but something felt wrong about that look Tristen gave me.


Monday night me and mom decided to try out one of the diner's in town. We sat down and ordered our drinks. The waitress, a teenager, nodded the whole time only asking what kind of dressing my mother would like. She sighed and walked away, taking her time going behind the counter and handing the ticket to the cook.

"How's school going?" My mom asked taking a sip of her water. She glanced around looking at the few people that are here.

"It's good." I said taking a sip of my drink. I took my own look around seeing the diner was pretty plain. It looked like it's been here for a while. I was looking to see if the waitress was coming when I saw a guy sitting at a table by himself. He looked familiar but it is a small town. I shrugged it off and saw the waitress coming.

I removed my hands from the table and let her set down my plate with a hamburger with fries. My mom got the house salad. When the waitress left I noticed the guy again, he was looking at me and that's when I saw that he was one of Victoria's friends. I glanced away picking up a fry and glanced outside. Ten seconds later I looked back at the guy and he was still looking at me.

"How's the paper going?" She asked taking in a fork full, eying the lettuce.

I chewed the bite I took quickly nodding while covering my mouth. "Good. It's almost done." I said eating another fry, I glanced back at the guy and still he was watching me. I frowned looking back at my mother.

"When's it due?" she asked looking up at me. "Are you okay?" She set down her fork dabbing her mouth with a napkin.

I realized I must look freaked. I cleared my facial expression and shrugged. "Fine. It's due Wednesday."

"And you're just almost done?" She asked. "Shouldn't it be done?" She said with disapproval in her tone. "You don't want to get behind, Annabel, especially since it's the middle of the semester."

I nodded. "It's basically done, were just doing finishing touches." I said.

The truth is I don't want to get done with the paper. What if Tristen doesn't ask me to come over anymore? What if he just sees us as anatomy partners? Or worse Roxy was right and he leads me on?

I glanced over at the guy and realized he left. I glanced around not seeing him anywhere. I started to finish my dinner when I glanced outside and saw the guy but he wasn't alone. They were standing by a car in the parking lot talking then glanced towards the diner then one of the two guys open his phone and pressed it to his ear, still on the phone they got in the car and drove off.

An uneasy feeling sprung up in my stomach at the sight of them. I glanced away trying to calm myself but the feeling just wouldn't go away.


I shut my locker and picked up my back pack, placing it on my shoulder.

"Annabel, Annabel, Annabel Lee," Said a voice from behind me.

The voice sent the hairs on the back of my neck on ends. I glanced over my shoulder to see Victoria leaning against the lockers on the other side of the hallway. I turned to face her, glancing down the hallway not seeing anyone else. This made me panic even more.

"Um, yeah?" I asked gripping my backpack strap.

She pushed off the locker taking a step towards me her high heels making noise on the aluminum floor. She stopped hooking a hip to the side and placing a hand on it. She cocked her head looking me up and down, a smirk playing on her lips. "I'm Victoria." She said walking over to me.

"Hi," I said getting more nervous by the second.

She smiled. "You've done pretty well for yourself; you know it being only your second week."

I shrugged. "I guess."

She glanced down then back up to me and said, "You and Tristen have been getting pretty close."

I glanced around again but still no one showed. "Were anatomy partners."

She smiled like she knew a secret. "Right." She started to walk backwards and said, "Just be careful there are strange things going on in Wickery Forest. You know the werewolves and all." She said with a smirk turning around and walked away.

Sorry for the wait guys! its been sooo loooong! but it's here now so i hope you enjoy!! 

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