Chapter 15

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Getting back into the kitchen I saw Ash standing at the window watching Austin drive away. I sat down at the table and gave her a few seconds to notice me. When she did she took one last look outside and sat down across from me.

"Well that was unexpected," I said. "And tense. Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said straightening up in her chair. "Now what were you saying before we were interrupted?"

Taking the hint again I changed the subject. I could tell Ash was hurting from the surprise visit but I let her be. I consider her my friend but I still didn't know her well enough to push her to admit she misses him.

"Right," I took a deep breath and said, "Ash Tristens a werewolf."

I watched her face for any signs of panic or anything but she just nodded.

"I know," Is all she said.

I sat in shock for a second. "Wait, you knew?" I accused her.

"Yes, when I was dating Austin I started to suspect somethings. Hello, I am an expert on all things supernatural."

"But why didn't yo tell me?"

"I told you, Annabel, creatures like their privacy. If you go around bragging about how you know their secrets? It's a good way to wind up dead. Plus I did tell you, technically. I sent you to Tristen remember?"

I nodded remembering how she told me I should seek his help. "Well maybe you know what about to tell you next since you seem to know everything."

She smiled. "I don't know everything,"

I smiled back. "So I guess werewolves have this thing called a mate."

She nodded. "Like a Beta."

I smiled remembering what I said to Tristen. "No, not like a second in command." She smiled at my knowing of the word. "I mean someone they are destined to be with. Forever,"

She frowned. "Like as in a boyfriend girlfriend thing?" I nodded. "I never knew that. I understand why they would keep that secret extra close."

"Yeah, it's crazy to think about. Being destined to someone, it seems kind of overwhelming, right?" I started to fidget and placed my hands in my lap.

Ash leans back against her chair and looks thoughtfully at the table. "I don't know, I guess but," She paused then looked at me. "You wouldn't have to worry about heart ache. You know for sure that there is that one person your meant to be with. Out there somewhere you just have to find them. Some people go through their lives looking for that person, enduring break up after break up. Staying with someone because they hope in the end that that one person is the one. I don't I might sound like a pathetic romantic but it sounds nice."

"In a creepy way," I smiled to let her know I was joking and she laughed.

"Yeah, I guess I can see where the creep factor comes in." Her smile disappeared and she asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I'm Tristens mate." I told her.

Ash's eyes bulged. "Oh wow," She muttered.

I nodded. "He told me this morning. Everything you said has been running through my mind but then some other stuff is too. Like how I know nothing when it comes to werewolves or that I'm only about to be eighteen years old. I'm not even an adult yet and her I am already lined up for a marriage I never knew existed with a guy I just met three weeks ago." I suddenly stood up having troubles breathing and started pacing the kitchen floor.

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