chapter 1

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Hey guys!!!! New story!!!

Okay here's a sneak peak and I hope it's good. I'm hoping I will be able to finish 'Resisting temptation' before I start on this story but that depends on your guys reaction to this chapter so it's up to you guys!!! No pressure!

Anyways start readen!




Chapter 1

There was a pounding then a, "Annabel" then more pounding.

When I finally registered that the pounding and name yelling was coming from reality, I slowly blinked my eyes open. When I spotted my alarm clock numbers I groaned. It was only 7:30 in the morning.

I rolled over on to my back and croaked, "What?"

My mom eased the door open. "Time to get up. You don't want to miss your first day at your new school, do ya?"

I ignored that and decide not to answer assuming it was rhetorical. I threw the covers over my head and mumbled, "I'm up."

"If I don't see you at 8 o'clock I'm coming back in here with a pitcher of ice water." She threatened.

I smiled to myself. "Got it." I called out.

When I heard the door close I threw the blanket off and sat up. I looked around my new room. Everything was still in boxes that lined against the wall besides the stuff that I needed last night like my blanket and pillow, alarm clock and phone charger. I got out of bed and patted across the hard wood floor to the box marked 'Annabel's clothes'. I tore the tape off and looked inside. I bit my lip thinking, I pulled out my dark gray skinny jeans and white tank top to go under my blue cotton t-shirt that had a V neck.

I threw them on my bed then went to the box that is labeled 'Annabel's shoes'. I dug around until I found my black boots and set those aside. I stood and begun to get dressed.

After I brushed my teeth and dark hair and applied a small amount of make up on I walked down the stairs feeling my bag hit my leg with every step. I swung into the kitchen to see mom staring out the window. I glanced away setting my bag on the kitchen island and walked to the fridge. Mom does that a lot, ever since dad got killed. It's been a year but it's still hard on both of us. The hardest part? Not knowing who did it. Not being able to get justice.

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