Chapter 18

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That night I had a visitor. After I explained as much as I could without giving anything away, to my mom we went to bed. I still had school the next day and she had to work. I was pretty happy about that since she couldn't ask to many question about my day. So much had happened in six hours, I still couldn't wrap my head around a few details. Sometimes I think that I made up the whole kissing scene, but then I remember how embarrassing it was to talk to my mom about some boys intentions. I told her that Tristen was different but I could she was still worried for me.

I dreamt of our kiss but we were somewhere else. We stood on my old houses porch under the porch light. Tristen leaned in to kiss me but the door opened and my dad stuck his head out. He was in his usual attire. He was a history professor at the local college. He has his black dress pants on and a dark blue button up that was un tucked.

He smiled at us. "It's late, Bell, come inside." He left us alone with the door open and I waved at Tristen.

Then it started all over again but we were at the house I live in now. We were standing on the porch under the porch light and Tristen was about to lean in to kiss me when the door opened.

Victoria opened the door wide, she stepped over the threshold looking back and forth at us in turn. I reached for Tristens hand but only felt empty air. I glanced over at him in the corner of my eye and he was gone. I was left alone with the vampire covens leader.

She looked down at me. I could see the joy she felt at my fear, he long blonde hair blowing everywhere because of the late night breeze. She reached out and ran a thumb down my cheek. I jerked back and almost fell off the porch.

She smiled at me. "Be careful of who you choose into your heart, Annabel Lee, bad things can happen." Then she was gone.


'I bolt straight up in bed and breathe in a lung full of air. I glanced around but saw no one. I put a hand to my cheek, I could still feel her cold hand on my face. I threw the blankets off of me and ran to my window. I spread the curtains and looked out on my front lawn. He was there, looking right at me, and to his left was Victoria. She smiled and waved, like she was a visitor I was expecting at two in the morning.

I turned and raced down the stairs and threw the front door open, my demand on the tip of my tongue but no one was outside. I walked towards the spot that I saw them and turned in a complete circle looking everywhere. From the bushes to the top of the trees but they were gone. Back in the house I locked every door and window then went back to bed. I couldn't sleep after that dream but I tried. Victoria's warning still echoing through my mind. Something tells me she didn't mean Tristen is going to break my heart but something else will.


When I arrived at school I was running on only four hours of sleep. I walked the hours with my mind clouded with thoughts. I couldn't get over my dream. It was all to real. I couldn't shake the feeling that Victoria was giving me some kind of warning. What if she knew? What if she knew that the meeting that is going to happened this Saturday isn't just some ordinary meeting?

My mind cleared and my steps became faster. I jogged to my locker, throwing my stuff in and looking around trying to find Ash. Instead Roxy found me.

"Hi, Annabel." She said. She leaned her shoulder against my locker making me take a step back.

"Hi. Roxy, now's not a good time." I told her.

"I love the way you just waltzed right into this school and declared it yours, Anna." She strightened up and glared at me.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked thrown through a loop.

She smirks and looks down. "See this innocent act would probably work on anyone," She looked back at me. "But not on me." She took a step towards me. She had a few inches on me so I had to tip my head back to look at her. "First Tristen, now Ash. You are making some enemies, little girl, and you've only been here a month." She started past me bumping her shoulder with mine, making me take a step back to catch my balance. "Watch your back." She whispered then she was gone.

I stood there dazed. I had vampires and werewolves to worry about I couldn't be concerned with high school drama, right now. I suppressed the urge to scream and resumed my search for Ash. I jogged down the hallway, hopping she's still at her locker. When I reached it, I saw that she was indeed at her locker but she wasn't alone. Austin was there, he was leaning down so he could hear her better. I slowly back up around the corner hopping they didn't see me.

I don't want to ruin their moment. I don't even know if they are having one but just in case. I pulled out my phone and walked to the nearest girls room. I pushed through the door and checked under all the stalls. It was empty. I gave Ash and Austin another five minutes then I texted her.

Meet me in the girls room in 2mins?

I leaned against the sinks and waited.

In exactly two minutes Ash walked through the doors. Her checks were red and her eyes were out of focus. So, they were having a moment. I was happy I didn't interrupt them but then I didn't want to tell her about last night. She looks happy, really happy.

"Hey, did you need something?" She looked around and under the stalls.

"I just had a quick question, it wont take long."

Ash shrugged. "It's okay, I only have math waiting for me."

I nodded. "Can vampires get inside your head somehow?"

Ash was silent for a moment. "What do you mean? Like compulsion?"

"No, can they make you see things? In your dreams?"

Ash stood still, her face paled and she swallowed loudly. "What did you see, Anna?"

I was taken aback by Ash tone but answered, "Victoria."

Ash closed her eyes then she smacked the wall next to her. "Damn it, Annabel!"

I jumped at her sudden outburst. "What?"

"I told you to be careful, vampires don't like people, most of all humans, meddling in their lives."

"I am being careful!" I shouted back. I lowered my voice not wanting to bring people running. "I am being careful, Ash." I repeated. "I don't know if she even knows what I know." I frowned and repeated the sentence in my head.

"Anna, this is the leader of the vampire coven were talking about. She doesn't just visit anyone in their dreams." She paused. I could practically see the wheels turning in her head. "Okay, if she doesn't know that you know, there has to be some reason why she would visit you." Ash pulled out her phone and started typing.

"What are you doing?" I asked coming up behind her.

She pocketed her phone. "I told Austin that were leaving and heading to my house. No one's home and we can talk more privately there." Her phone buzzed and she pulled it back out. "Apparently Austin and Tristen are coming too."

"Great, now I'm going to be yelled at again."

"Yeah, well that's what the people that care about us do." She pulled open the door and walked out.

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