Chapter 3

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If you guys forgot or didn't re-read the first and second chapters I changed Jakes name to Tristen.

Chapter 3

We pulled up to a massive house that had a wraparound porch. It had chairs and a swing hanging from the roof. As I climbed out of the car I could see a lot better. The outside was wooden like a cabin would be. Wind chimes hung around making noise when the wind blew. When I looked up I could see a balcony looking over the parking spot where we parked.

"Wow," I breathed. I shut the door stuffing my hands in my pockets of my jacket. The wind threw my hair all over the place sending it in my line of vision. When I pushed it aside I notice something that I was too distracted to see before.

His house was built right in front of the woods. I gulped taking a small step back.

"Hey, coming?" Tristen asked on the stairs of the porch.

I nodded and started for the house. I put my hand on the railing glance at the woods one last time then followed Tristen into the house. I walked into the double doors hearing the screen door shut behind me.

Tristen shut the front door and called out, "Mom! I'm home!" he said shrugging off his coat and placing it on the hook above a hope-chest.

I looked around the house noticing were only in the entryway. I glanced to my left and saw the living room. It had a big arch doorway so I could see right into it. There was mitch-matched couches and chairs with a big flat screen TV. It looks very cozy and friendly. It had a high ceiling with wooden beams going across. I glanced to my right see it was the dining room. Two glass doors stood open to see inside. I could see another door leading to somewhere I couldn't see.

The stairs stood to our right attached to the wall. The stairs were wooded with a rug running up them in the middle.

There was a thumping noise then a squeal. I looked to my left to see a small figure with auburn curls flying past me.

It flew into Tristen's arms giggling.

"Hey, Gracie." Tristen grinned down at the little girl in his arms.

"Tristen, what did I tell you about yelling in the house?" a woman with the same hair as Gracie came walking down the hallway towards us. She was whipping her hands on a towel scowling at Tristen.

"To not do it. Sorry, mom." he said walking up to her placing a peak on her check.

She patted his chest. "That's right. Now why are you yelling anyway?" she asked then for the first time looked at me. She smiled and turned to face me placing her fists on her hips. "Well, finally. About time he brings home a girl." She looks me up and down. "A cute one too. What's your name, sweetheart?" she asked.

"Mom," I heard Tristen mumble.

"Annabel." I told her.

She smiled. "I'm Maggie, Tristen's mom." she said.

"Nice to meet you." I told her.

"And this is Gracie." Tristen said walking over to me. "Gracie, can you say hi to Annabel?" he asked the little girl in his arms.

She glanced at me then tucked her head into his neck, peaking at me.

I smiled and gave her a small wave. "Hi, Gracie." I said bending down slightly so I was at her level.

She lifted her head and said, "Hi," shyly.

I smiled at her, she grinned back in return.

"So what do you two have planned?" his mother asked.

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