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22nd June, Tuesday
Yesterday was busy. I recently moved in a new apartment. All of my day was taken away by cleaning, moving, and also studying. Yesterday in the evening, at around 7:00 PM, I met someone in the dorm.
YN worked diligently on her laptop, typing away something. Then suddenly, she heard a sound from her tummy.
YN: (groans) I'm hungry again! I need to eat. It's okay. I'll check the kitchen too
YN closes her laptop and goes to the kitchen, with her hand on her stomach. There she sees a Young man, whom she saw earlier in afternoon, cooking ramen for himself.

YN: Hello. (bows)
The guy: Oh! Hello(bows)
YN: Did you shift recently?
The guy: Yes I just moved in today. You moved in today too right?
YN: Oh yeah. same
The guy: haha! I saw you all drenched in sweat. With that I could see that you just moved in with those heavy bags and stuff.
YN: (laughs) Oh I know right, it's just so hot. You would get roasted if you go outside in such a weather.
The guy: Oh, by the way, I'm Yoon Jong Woo. Nice to meet you!
YN: That's cool. I'm Seo YN. Nice to meet you too
Jung woo: You look pretty young, YN. How old are you?
YN: I'm 19. What about you? You don't look too old as well
Jong Woo: Well, I can be your oppa. if you want lol. I'm 27(smiling).
YN: wait wha- REALLY? Are you 27?? you don't look 27. I thought you're a uni student or something.
Jong Woo: What- no girl. I'm actually an Intern at a Journalism Company.
YN: Whoa that's really nice.
Jong Woo: what about you? I expect you must be in a Uni.
YN: correct! I am right now studying dentistry. At medical college. It's my first year.
Jong Woo: That's really nice man.

Jong Woo was so busy chatting away and laughing with YN that he almost forgot he had ramen on the stove. After glancing at it he immediately turned off the stove.

Jong Woo: Would you like to have some ramen with me, YN-ssi?
YN: Oh yeah! I forgot why I came to the kitchen ( laughs) I'm hungryyy.
Jong Woo: Oh no worries! here, have some ramen with me.

YN joins him on the table. Jong Woo offers her the steel chopsticks, and puts lots of ramen in her bowl.

Jong Woo: Eat a lot! (smiling)
YN: thank you! gosh he's so cute :)
Jong Woo: By the way YN-ssi, have you seen the terrace yet?
YN: Yeah.. I went in the afternoon to grab my mattresses and sheets. But I didn't take a closer look as you know, how hot it was. If I stayed there for a few more seconds, I would have been fried chicken (laughing).
Jong Woo: (laughing) Fried YN. sounds tasty lol.
YN: (giggles) Hey! by the way, you wanna come along upstairs after we finish eating?
Jong Woo, taking a big bite: Oh sure!

as he spoke with his cheeks full of food, he looked adorable. YN wanted to squish his cheeks. Gosh he's driving me crazy!
after a few minutes of eating and chatting, they both finished up eating.

Jong Woo, putting away his cutlery and grabbing a glass of water: Let's go!
YN: Yeah! Let's gooo

they both put the dishes away and went upstairs.
while climbing the stairs, they came across the mysterious, eerie 4th floor.
as they walked, Jong Woo heard a thud sound.

Jong Woo: Did you hear that?!
YN: Hear what?
Jong Woo: That sound, just now.
YN: (shaking her head) umm hmm. your ears must be ringing, Jung Woo-ssi.
Jong Woo, smiling: You can call me Oppa. You're just like a small sister if mine :)
YN: okayyy! oppa :)

As they reach the terrace, they both get mesmerized by the fantastic view of Seoul. The city they both always wanted to come to. The clear night sky, full of stars. The active night life of Seoul. The beautiful lights coming from nearby neighborhood. It was really calming. It was so good that almost for a minute, they both went quiet and enjoyed the view.

Jong Woo: This is so beautiful. It feels like a dream come true. I always wanted to come here, to Seoul. To be closer to Ji Eun, for my mother, my work, myself.

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