Chapter 10: Stockholm Syndrome

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That night, YN was all Moon Jo's. And he sure made her feel that. With every minute, every second passing, YN realised what she was falling into. Moon Jo did not seem to think about it, he was so lost in her that night. YN's whimpers and pleas were like sweet music to his ears, how badly he wanted her to moan his name in his ear.

Night passed by, morning came. With still darkness outside, the clouds had devoured all of the sky. He did not even know it was morning, until he checked the time on the clock.

It was still early, the peaceful wind blowing through the room, making it a little chilly each time a breeze went by. Moon Jo looked down to see YN, finally at peace in his arms. How godly she looked in his arms. Messy hair, closed eyes, swollen plump lips which were now pink because of what he did to her last night. Her body was full of marks, the marks which made YN realise who she belonged to. With this beautiful sight, Moon Jo started his day. Not to mention, but this was the best start of the day for him.

Hesitating. Not wanting to leave her yet, Moon Jo had a little debate with himself if he should leave her alone in this cold room like that or not. Finally he got up, put on his shirt and made his way downstairs, heading for a shower.  After he got ready, he once again went to his room, only to find YN wide awake, looking around. She did not seem to know what happened last time, Moon Jo came in the room before she could recall anything. Looking at him, she immediately remembered, what had happened last night. An unknown blush took over her, and the fuzzy feeling inside her brain took over again.

Moon Jo cupped her cheeks in his cold hands, before planting a little kiss on her forehead. YN was a little hesitant, but only we know, she wanted to hug him so badly. She kept herself in control, she kept the mask on that she was not interested in Moon Jo. But alas! Moon Jo already read her and got to know how she was head over heels for him.

Moon Jo: "Baby, now that you're awake, i wanted to tell you about a few things. Listen very attentively. I am leaving for work, you are staying here. DO NOT leave this room. You can use the lavatory, but for food or anything else, you have to call Ahjumma. She will help you out. But you will not leave this room or use your electronics. Understand? "

YN was a little confused. She wanted to protest a little, but she agreed. For some reason, she did whatever Moon Jo told her to do, never disobeyed him, and got a feeling that told her that she should stay with Moon jo, for he is her safe place.

Moon Jo left, and YN was now in his room, all alone.


YN had been in the room since quite long now, Moon Jo had left hours back, and without any source of entertainment, she was extremely bored. So bored that she grew hungry. She decided to call out for Ahjumma. Though she was a bit hesitant, she never trusted that woman. For some reason, she always had a bad vibe coming out from her. But, YN was extremely hungry too, so she pushed that away and finally called out to her.

Ahjumma: "now what the fuck does she want?"

Ahjumma got up from the kitchen, where she was busy making her 'special meat', to go to YN and listen to what she was saying. Moon Jo had very well instructed her about YN, about how she needed to take care of her, and do not allow her to leave her room.

Ahjumma: "Yes, beautiful lady?"

YN: "umm, I'm kind of hungry, could you give me something to eat perhaps?"

Great! Ahjumma had been waiting for a moment like this, where she could manhandle YN, who was rising in power as now she was Moon Jo's lover. She had noticed the changes in Moon Jo as she arrived, how he started mistreating her and avoid listening to her.  She wanted to end YN in anyway, to stay on her position. She did not want Moon Jo to discard her like he did to everyone else, when they were not of any use to him.

Without wasting time, she immediately rushed to the kitchen, to make her some boiled eggs and her 'special meat', which she had laced with a not so good drug. She gave it to YN, who was completely unaware of the fact that her food was laced with drugs. She consumed it in no time, and Ahjumma was on the ninth cloud!

"die, you little bitch."

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