Chapter 12: Aftermath

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That very afternoon
YN had killed Ms. Eom. And she had zero idea what she did. It was the drug, she would've said, but deep down it was nastiest desires, the monster version of YN which was living in the pit of her stomach without her knowing about it.

She pulled out the knife from her neck, threw it away somewhere in the dark hallway and sat down. Her arms hugging her knees, she put her head down. She tried to regain her consciousness as everything was dizzy again. When suddenly, she heard footsteps. She looked up to see the stuttering twin staring at Miss Eom's dead body in disbelief. Although he was constantly giggling, she could sense the panic circulating through his body. Affecting his body language.

"Y-You killed h-her?"

YN shot up a glare at him, already annoyed.

" Do you think so?"

The stuttering twin went silent. He stopped giggling, and his look turned a little serious, which made a thought mix in YN's mind, if she had really done a blunder.

She shrugged it off, still intoxicated. She decided to get up, and as she got up the stuttering twin ran back to his room, thinking that YN would hurt him too. Good for him, but she was barely able to stand. Somehow she got up and went straight to her room, and melted on the bed, and drifted off to sleep.

The same evening
Moon Jo decided to go back home a little early that day. For the first time ever, he felt attachment towards someone. Yes, He missed YN. He missed her touch, her warm embrace. He wanted to get back home as soon as possible, he was smitten by YN. As he walked back home, YN was everything on his mind.

"I can't wait to get back to you, honey."

He mumbled under his breath, a warm feeling taking over his cold skin, giving goosebumps.

Moon Jo's POV

Moon Jo entered the dark hallway, immediately sending something was off. He was surprisingly good at examining the atmosphere and reading people. He saw Nam Bok in the kitchen earlier, in a state of melancholy.

As he went closer to the inky, eerie hallway, he saw something, which ultimately school him to the core.

Ms. Eom's dead body.

Something which he was not prepared to see yet.

He looked over the stuttering twin, who was standing at the brisk of his room, peeping out to him. He struggled to speak, yet answered.

"I-its her. The p-pretty lady.. s-sh-she killed h-her."

As those words spilled out of the twin's mouth, he felt a sense of satisfaction. Not because he got to know who killed Ms. Eom, but he heard that YN had killed.

This was her first kill, but for Moon Jo, this was his first masterpiece. He was successful in making YN just like him. Twisted, unremorseful, overall a lunatic.

Smiling from the inside, he went inside the room, only to find YN sitting at his study. Playing with a knife as the tip of the sharp object reflected back light at her face. Upon sensing that someone was standing behind her, she turned and gave a grin to Moon Jo.

"You're back pretty early, Moon."

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