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Monday, 16 July

Moon Jo's POV:

As she drank the liquid, i could see that YN started feeling dizzy. Her expression dulled, and she was restless. She was trying to hold her body and senses together when all of a sudden, she fell in my arms. I held her so that she wouldn't fall.

"YNnie? Are you okay? look at me."

After making sure she was completely unconscious, i carried her downstairs to my cabin, and made her sit down on the armrest. I locked the door and checked her pulse, it was very calm. Ahjumma's idea worked.

-a while back-

Ahjumma: "Are you sure, Moon Jo? I dont think it's safe enough though, you know how clever that girl is."

Moon Jo: "Ahjumma, my job is to tell you what to do and your job is to do what i say."

With those words, Ahjumma went into silence. Not knowing how to react, she just kept staring at him in disbelief.

Moon Jo: "Please be quick okay? YN's going to return soon."

Ahjumma gave him a slight smile of assurity, but deep down she cursed him.

"Who does he think he is? I raised him and put him up when he was homeless. I gave him love and care, and now he shows me his shitty attitude."

Moon Jo kept staring at YN's almost lifeless body, admiring her features. Words of admiration kept coming out of his mouth, and finally he leaned in to kiss her cheek.

He waited if YN would react to his touch, but she didn't. Obviously, she was unconscious, yet Moon Jo was a little hesitant to touch YN. He took her chin in his fingers and kissed her lips hard, like he wouldn't let go. He kissed her dearly, like he always was craving for it.

While kissing YN, he felt a sense of love he never felt before. He felt that she was his first priority. His very own. He needs to protect her and always have her in his embrace. Thinking about the past when he first saw her to now, only he knows how badly he wanted this moment to happen.

After feeling a rush of motivation and strength, Moon Jo held YN in his arms and made her sit on his lap, while he kissed her even dearly. Followed by him kissing her, he took off his shirt and took YN in his arms. Placing her on the table placed on the side, he went down kissing her neck. With that, a beautiful aura of love filled the cabin's atmosphere. Moon Jo knew what to do. Now YN was his, and she belonged to him and him only.

After a while,

YN got into her senses, with a feeling of some soft pain her body. She looked around weakly, only to find herself tied up to a chair in a dark, messy room. Although that room was dark with a very small tint of red light escaping from the above terrace, she could see the room was.. creepy. It had a very eerie vibe to it, with a metallic scent of what seemed like blood. She tried to free herself from the tape, which held her wrists and ankles to the chair, but failed, her mouth was taped too, which she found out as she tried to scream for help.

She got hysterical, she had never been in this kind of a trap before. She tried to move, but she was held so tight. As YN looked around for help, she saw a tall, dark shadow standing near the doorway, with its arms crossed. It was looking at her, which was extremely creepy.

She looked at the shadow, and it eventually started moving towards her. As the shadow moved closer, she was shocked to find out who it was.

YN: "... Moon Jo?"

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