Chapter 14: In Tandem

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.. "I will finish them all."

Moon Jo was the happiest person in this earth upon hearing those words. His eyes lit up, his face turned to reveal a bright smile. His heart knew, YN was now the perfect partner for him. She loved him, provided with physical, emotional and sexual pleasure to him. She now wouldn't say a word about his evil doings, as now she would support him.

So, reporting him wouldn't even flash in her mind now, she was a maniac too.

However, YN's mind was still clouded with rage and insanity. She was blinded by the materialistic pleasure of Vengeance. All she wanted was revenge, to whom, she knew deep down.

Next day, YN woke up early and headed towards the shower, planning vigorous ways to finish her. She had even planned of what weapons she will use, how she will use them, when and where to tell Moon Jo about her plan, etc.

8:00 AM

Moon Jo woke up, streching his arms out looking around for YN, only to find her nowhere in the room. He went out to the kitchen, to find YN peacefully sitting on the kitchen table, sipping along while listening to classical music. She looked behind, to find Moon Jo waiting for her to notice him.

He gave her a smile, and went to the washroom to freshen up.

He put on his clothes, usual long black shirt with black sweatpants, and began his way to the kitchen. He sat in front of YN and asked,

"YN, you didn't tell me about what you want to do."

YN shot her eyes up to find his, staring deeply in hers. Giving him a soft smile she answered,

" Moon, I told you about my childhood, didn't I? "

" Yes, you did."

YN sat there, without uttering a single word. Her silence was enough to tell Moon Jo what she wanted. It was creepy, Moon Jo was a mind reader it seemed.

" Are you sure, baby?"

" I'm sure. I know what to do. "

Moon Jo felt a rush of excitement and satisfaction run through his body. YN's mind was seriously like his. The way she thought was exactly like his. Moon Jo pulled her into a hug and went off for preparing breakfast.

Jong Woo had his own problems. He had been dealing with way lots of shit recently. His job wasn't so good, his manager treated him like a little kid, his girlfriend was being a bitch, and his mother was seeming to be a burden
on him now. He had went to his mother's place in Busan to help her out.

Before they went out, Moon Jo took YN along with him to dispose off the body of the old lady.  He taught her a lot about how to hide bodies, where to hide them. YN was surprised by how much he knew, and Moon Jo replied, being the smartest he was by saying,

"I've got experience all these years, baby."

Before the Sun was at its peak, they went outside the dormitory. YN and Moon Jo drove to her house. YN gave the directions to Moon Jo, and he drove relaxingly. The day went fast with both of them driving to YN's house, and till evening they were at her house.

YN showed Moon Jo where she lived. The house was big, big enough for both of them to live there without any worries. They went out to a restaurant for dinner, and YN showed Moon Jo around. Jeolla-Do was beautiful, the enchanting ocean in front of her house was truly mesmerizing. The air was pleasing, and Moon Jo was surprisingly so relaxed and happy there.

YN told Moon Jo about the plan as they walked around the neighborhood.

01:00 AM
YN slowly opened the door, trying not to make a sound. The door wasn't locked or anything, that made YN let out a sigh in frustration.

"She is still so fucking careless."

She went inside the house, signalling Moon Jo to come inside. Moon Jo looked around, the house was surprisingly huge and beautiful from the inside. Yet, there stood a weird fragrance and a terribly heavy vibe. He looked around, and YN went upstairs to a room.

Knife in her hand, she tip-toed up the room. She opened it, to find her sleeping comfortably on the king-size bed. Seeing her comfortably and lavishly, YN grew angry. The memories from that day started flashing back in her mind. How she beat her up till she was unconcious, how she killed her father.

To be honest, if YN was insane today, her stepmother also played a significant role in making her that way.

YN rushed towards the bed, to her stepmother sleeping, with the knife in hand.

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