Chapter 13: She's insane.

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".. you're back pretty early, Moon."

Moon Jo stood there, trying to calculate what had just happened. He saw YN sitting on his study, the knife's sharp tip shining. Blood smeared over her face, hair spread open, a vicious smile conquering her face.

He was happy. YN was finally like him now. She was actually him, in a different body. The heartless emotion raging in her eyes excited him even more. He could feel his heart beat faster than ever. He had never felt like this before in all these years.

She got up, walked towards Moon Jo and planted a kiss on his lips. Then she walked out of the room into the dark hallway, where the dead body of Ms. Eom was waiting to be disposed. She crouched down in front of her, made her lifeless face look up at her using the tip of her knife.

"You're finally happy, aren't you? This bitch is now insane."

With these words, she thrusted the knife in her chest once again, to let out all the frustration she had towards her and all the fucking crazy people here. She kept hitting and hitting her till she was barely recognisable. Moon Jo, though content in his heart, stopped YN and made his way to the shower.

He pulled YN into the shower, in an effort to calm her down. He turned on the shower knob as cool water rushed out on YN's blood-stained clothes. He kissed her dearly, calling her sweet names in the middle of the kisses, and slowly stripped himself and her.

He made sure to clean her thorough, while coyly pleasing her using his hands. As he made sure YN is now back to sanity, he took her in his arms and carried her to their now shared bedroom.

YN got a little sense now. She felt a sudden rush of emotions through her body, and felt so overwhelmed that she started crying in Moon Jo's arms. Moon Jo too, felt at ease with her. She was probably the only person he had ever cared for so much through these years. Growing up, he had absolutely no one who could listen to him, comfort him or even give him a small hug when he was at his lowest.

Teenage is a time where individuals are at their worst, mentally and emotionally. These years for Moon Jo were the prime years too, sadly no one gave a shit about him. Ahjumma was busy with her own love life. She picked up and spent nights with many men, only to eventually kill them and steal their money.  If Moon Jo said anything that went against her rules, she would beat him till he was lifeless. Set the house on fire and lock him inside, somehow he would manage to escape out for his life.

Moon Jo wanted to be a Police Officer when he grew up, but what he was now was the complete opposite, and he was aware.

Thinking of these things, Moon Jo too teared up, but controlled himself. YN needed attention and he was there. He calmed her down by stroking her back softly.

"What's next, YNnie?"

"I will finish them all."

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