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Monday, 16 July

It has been quite long since anything really happened in the apartment. Jong Woo was really busy with work and I could also notice, he had been a little exhausted, mentally.

I didn't see Moon Jo for a while too, for he had been busy with his job as well. I didn't see him coming out of his room, but we exchanged a small talk when yesterday I was going for work.

As for me, university has been exhausting. It is a new beginning afterall, if I don't work hard now, when would I then?

YN sat on her chair as she typed away her presentation. Till she heard the bell ring. The lecturer, who was busy helping out a few students with something went and wished them luck for tomorrow.

YN closed her laptop, swung her bag over her shoulders and started walking out of the university campus.

She went alone today, as the girl she only talked to was sick and didn't attend classes. Putting on her headphones, she walked towards the nearest café.

Upon reaching, she ordered a large black coffee, as it was the fuel that charged her up throughout those runs.

As she reached for her wallet and turned around, she saw something very peculiar from the glass windows of the dim lit café. Around the corner of the street, she saw a man with a grey shirt and his dark heavy hair.

YN did not take too long to recognise who that was. Again it was him.
Moon Jo.

And this was certainly not the first time she saw him, lurking around the streets or maybe, stalking her.

"What the fuck."

YN rushed to her apartment. This was today she decided to talk about this with him, afterall confronting him was way better than being creeped out by the sense of someone following her.

At around 5, she reached home and all she did first was grab a beer from the kitchen and chug it down. Yes, she never drank before but this time, it had been over the head. She did not want to stay like that, quiet and pretending not to know anything, and she needed confidence too, so she did not hesitate to chug down the entire can at once.

After changing into her comfortable shorts and a loose shirt, she went upstairs heading to the terrace.

"he must be there."

Upon reaching the terrace, she saw Moon Jo recording the view, it was beautiful. The navy blue sky full of shiny stars was a great canvas for the colourful city view below. YN saw Moon Jo smiling to himself as he recorded. Finally YN grabbed his attention.

Moon Jo: "Oh hey YN! long time no see. You've been too busy with work hm?"

YN: "Yeah. it has been, tiring."

Moon Jo: "Can relate. Work is really hard. How are you anyways? I didn't get to talk to you for so long, and a nice chatty YN is all I want! (laughs)"

YN felt a little awkward, but she managed to come to the point to him.

YN: "Moon Jo? I need to talk to you."

Moon Jo: "yep sure! go ahead."

YN: "Have you been... ugh.. like following me around? Because, look please don't misunderstand but, I've seen you a few times around my campus, sometimes near the café. By any chance, do you have a friend in my campus or... you know what I mean?"

YN just spit it all out, she just said whatever came to her mind.

Meanwhile Moon Jo's expression changed rapidly. His happy, cheerful eyes turned into darker ones with an emotion which you can't describe in words.

His voice changed too, from being soft to excited, to deep and husky.

Moon Jo: "so... you've seen me around the places you often visit? what makes you feel that baby, because I don't even know where your campus is.."

He spoke in such a way that YN got intimidated so quick.

Moon Jo: "I don't know honey, but you really get some sexy hallucinations. Don't mind if next time you see me in your room, cause, I'm pretty sure you're not okay, haha."

These words hit YN to the core. Was she really hallucinating? She couldn't calculate if Moon Jo was really there or not, and also, she did not forget that a few days back how badly she panicked, just because her step mother called her up.

Suddenly Moon Jo pulled her in his embrace. YN really did not know what was happening, or what to do. it felt like a lucid dream, where she could move and feel everything, yet it didn't feel real.

Moon Jo: "are you okay, YNnie? look, I really don't feel you're okay. why don't you take a break and stop overworking? I have told you not to take so seriously. It's okay. life takes hard work but it doesn't mean that you should completely forget about your needs to finish your academics."

YN took a deep breath. Moon Jo was scolding her, yet she felt good. What was this obsession with him, she didn't understand. A few minutes back she was ready to scold and possibly yell at Moon Jo, but now she just wanted to stay like that, in his warm embrace.  Till he spoke again.

Moon Jo: "Now that you've drunk once, would you like to drink with me again?"

YN: "How did you know that I'm drunk?"

Moon Jo: "Ah.. I saw you. You took a can and chugged it down without seconds! Impressive!"

YN: "sorry, I was just very tired and angry. I'm really sorry."

Moon Jo: "You don't have to be sorry at all. After all, we are all human beings and it is okay to burst out at times. Holding it in isn't easy, it's better you let it all out."

With those words Moon Jo comforted YN once again, and she felt like God has really sent a fallen angel on Earth to protect her at times. As Moon Jo left to get some beer, she was completely lost. all fuzzy and pink thinking of how Moon Jo was so nice and cute. It was now confirmed that YN had feelings for him.

Moon Jo did not take long. He had two cans of beer in his hands as he walked over to YN, who was now busy admiring the city's view.

Moon Jo: "here."

She took the beer from his hands. Their fingers brushed against each other, and she felt the warm touch of his, followed by the icy feel of the can.

Moon Jo: "well, that was your first drink wasn't it? you didn't even get to celebrate it. Cheers now? Consider you're drinking for the first time, that too with my company!"

YN banged the can with Moon Jo's, feeling happy that she drank for the first time with Moon Jo. She was really relieved now, getting a feeling that Moon Jo was the only one who was completely normal in the Apartment.

As she took a few sips, she felt weird. A sense of dizziness and numbness took over her.

"weird", she thought. this kind of feeling did not happen to her when she drank downstairs, it didn't feel like anything, but a sudden adrenaline rush.

This time, it felt really weak. YN was unable to trust her legs to hold her anymore and she fell. Before losing consciousness, Moon Jo's worried tone was all she heard.

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