Truth Unveils.

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That night

YN: "...Moon Jo?"

YN's eyes widened when she realised who had trapped her there. Never in her wildest dreams she saw that this day would come, when the man whom she liked so much, would capture her here like a slave.

Actually everything was right in front of her eyes, but she just couldn't see it. All the red flags, all the suspicion, all the damn things in that dorm was fishy. But she couldn't see it, as she was already so exhausted with her stupid life. It was here when she got a thrill, when something new happened to her same, old life. She started becoming independent, she started becoming something out of the ground.

But now it was all shattered. It was obvious, he wouldn't let go now.

Moon Jo came in front of YN and sat down on his knees in front of her. He wore that signature warm smile, which he always had on his face around her. He looked at her so fondly, like she helped him to save his life. Why was he doing this? What is causing him to behave like that? Who actually is he?

So many questions were coming up in her mind, she just wanted all the questions to be answered by the man kneeling down in front of her. But she tried to calm herself down, not to act like a helpless being in front of him who had already devoured her.

YN was such in a shock, she tried yelling at him but words or her voice didn't just come out. She managed to whisper out,

YN: "why..?"

Upon hearing that from YN, Moon Jo immediately broke into a wide grin, smiling from ear to ear. It was a wholesome smile, assuring vibe attached to him which somehow made YN a little less scared and comfortable.

Moon Jo: "don't worry, baby. I promise you I won't let any, anything happen to you. I'll make you as special as me. Just put all of your trust in me, and I'll do wonders."

YN: "special as you..."
"you're not special. you're not even Moon Jo, I don't know who are you. This is not the Moon Jo i know. Let me go."

Moon Jo: " I did not come all the way till here to let you go. Trust me baby, do not be afraid. I won't hurt you, I promise."

Human nature. YN was terrified. Anyone who would never even dream of their favourite person tying them up in a dark room, full of blood and dead corpses of animals, would behave like that. YN could not believe what was going on. She was so frustrated, life already sucks. and now this situation made her even angry. She felt a sudden adrenaline rush in her veins, causing her to act up. She got ready to yell at Moon Jo, and possibly fight him.

YN: "One more word from your damn mouth, and I'll make sure to slice up your fucking throat. Don't make me act up."

Moon Jo smiled, this was the side of YN he was craving for. He wanted her to act up. He wanted her to get violent and crazy because in the end, she was like him. That's why she was special.

Triggering her rage even more, Moon Jo teasingly repeated what she said.

Moon Jo: "slice my throat up? baby. you can't and won't do that. you're too weak."

YN: "who the actual fuck are you to decide if I'm weak or not? one punch and you're gone, you little piece of shit."

Enough. Moon Jo got hot- headed. It was true, that he had a huge ego. He couldn't stand anyone talking back at him or cursing him, because he had always been on top of the world.

Without hesitation, Moon Jo pulled YN into a hungry, wet kiss. He stuck his tongue inside YN'S mouth, causing her to whimper. He grabbed her jaw to hold her steady, as she was squirming to get rid of his lips on hers.

"stop squirming."

At once YN got intimidated by him. Moon Jo cut off the tape around her wrists, with a handy knife he always  carried with him.

YN immediately put her hands on his shoulders. Moon Jo firmly took her hands and now placed them on his chest. YN could feel how fast is heartbeat was. His heart was racing, don't know with anger or love or the exciting feeling of lust. He kissed her deeper, with each moment devouring her more and more. He explored her mouth with his hot, wet tongue, causing YN to whimper.

YN did not want to feel that way. She was enjoying that moment, although she was not supposed to do that. It was so wrong, yet so right.

Moon Jo never failed to give her butterflies.

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