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Thursday, 29 June
After YN left, Moon Jo was deep in the wide ocean of his thoughts. He was craving to know about YN, her past. After he asked about her family, she went blank. What could be the reason?

Moon Jo needed to find out. himself.

YN walked out of the café with her friends, after a long and busy day. After hours of writing and operating practicals, all she wanted was an afternoon nap. It was 3 PM by now.
After waving goodbye to her friend and hugging her, she started walking to the bus stand to reach the dorm.As she sat on the bench, drenched with sweat, she took a deep breath. The humidity in the air made it difficult for her to breathe. As she was fanning herself, she felt a feeling. She was familiar with that feeling before and what makes it worse is, she had her gut telling her to run away.
After looking around the corner of the path, she saw a small street, leading to the backside of a neighborhood. There she saw a tall, lean man, dressed in a white shirt with combed hair. His hands in his pockets, his eyes like boring black holes. She knew those eyes. She had seen them somewhere.

it was Moon Jo.

YN was terrified to see that, she took of her glasses to check once again. After she put her glasses back on, there was no one.

...... "What the hell."

As YN's bus arrived, she quickly got in it and sat on the first seat. She wanted to be a little comfortable. She thought being between people could make her anxiety go away. She had always been thinking like that and that's why her mental health was in such a condition today.

after she reached home, she got changed and just lie on her bed straight. She was exhausted. She fell asleep in not even 5 minutes.

Moon Jo was enjoying watching YN's every move. That hole in the wall really, really helped a lot.

...."my darling is tired."

after YN woke up, she was satisfied. She had enough sleep. Afterall, sleeping for 3 hours in the day was really great.
She was now feeling really hot, so she did no hesitation to run to the shower stall. The cold water poured on her body as she felt herself and her nerves calming down. It was terribly hot.

As YN was relaxing herself, she heard someone entering the stall next to hers. She ignored and started cleaning herself with her body wash.

.." Beautiful lady, taking a shower?"

YN flinched.

.." Gosh. You scared me."

the landlady laughed.
Mrs. Eom: Oh dear. It is so hot. I'm also taking a shower third time in the day.
YN: True. It's really boiling outside.
Mrs. Eom: It must be so difficult for you all hard working young people. You need to go out and work. I can't imagine going out in this weather.
YN: what to do, Ahjumma. it's really necessary. We are forced to work like this. for ourselves.
Mrs. Eom: ourselves? I thought you must've been working to make your father proud.

shit. She knew about her family. That she doesn't have a father, and she worked to get rid of her step mother. Yet she put her nose in this topic and play innocent. how annoying.

YN really got hot headed when anyone mentioned her family in between. It's normal for anyone to say that she's immature to hate her stepmother, just because she loved her father. but that was not the reason why she hates her.

She remembers those nights when her stepmother used to beat her continuosly. she was five or six. Begging her to stop, screaming, crying, getting beaten up and, even running for her life.
As she turned 13 she knew that in order to escape from this shit hole, she had to run. One night, after putting her stepmother to sleep, she fled away. She ran away.
As far as she could.
She ran and ran.
Forgetting about the moment. She had tears in her eyes, she knew her mother gave birth to her in that house. She walked for the first time in that house. She spoke for the first time in that house. And also, how her mother was on her death bed in that house. She remembers how her mother caressed her silky hair one last time, after a tear shed her eye and she left. forever. Her dad, not being able to see her attempting suicide, knew YN needs love. YN was so greatly moved because of her mother's death. He knew. So at work, he found her stepmother.
She was so nice at first. She often came to visit YN, she even babysat her. Once her father was convinced she was the one to take care of her YN, he married her.
YN was happy too. Little did that child knew what was waiting for her.
Her stepmother and her dad fought. Everyday. Those small fights turned into violent ones. Where YN's father would not be violent, her stepmother would be. She took out all her anger on that poor man, that he died of shock.
One Morning, YN went to wake up her father.

..." Dad. wake up!"
she touched his icy cold hand. Weird, she thought. His father was never like that. He woke up at one call of her daughter.

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