Chapter 15: Resolution

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"...YN rushed towards the bed, to her stepmother sleeping, with the knife in hand."

Her stepmother's eyes shot open to the sound of someone almost running towards her. She flinched back and dodged YN's attack. Standing up, eyes widened, she yelled in surprise,


YN covered her mouth with her hand in an attempt to silence her yelling, knife still in hand. She choked her stepmother's throat by tightening her arm around her neck, causing her to help and struggle to breathe.

She brought her knife closer to her throat, but because of the struggling of her stepmother, the knife accidentally hit her arm instead. She managed to drop the knife on the floor and strangle her instead, which was successful. Her stepmother fell unconcious and dropped down.

After a few moments of silence, Moon Jo came up to the room, to find her stepmother lay on the ground. He thought she was dead and looked up to YN to signal if she was dead, but it turned out she was just unconcious.

the same night

Her eyes fluttered open. She looked around, only to find herself tied up to a chair. She struggled to free herself and shouted,

"Is anyone there? Please help me!"

Just then, she heard a sound of someone laughing softly. The whole house was pitch dark, and she couldn't tell which room she was in. The room had a strange nostalgic feeling, the items placed in the room once belonged to her step-daughter, YN.

She was tied up in a chair. In YN's room. She was back.

The sound of someone laughing came closer and closer, when all of a sudden the door flew open to reveal YN and a strange, tall man. He had a mysteriously calm expression on his face, as if he didn't know she was here bondaged in this room. Meanwhile YN, she had a beautiful look on her face. It was the glow of freedom, she looked ridiculously attractive, even when she had that maniacal rahe boiling in her eyes. A sly grin across her face made her even more nervous.

She walked towards her, switching on the dim yellow lamp near her bedstand. YN kneeled in front of her stepmother, looking at her with a blank expression on her face.

"missed me?"

As YN spoke, anger and hatred started to boil in her stepmother's body. She absolutely hated him for how beautiful, how diligent she was and how her father loved her so much. So much that he was willing to give away all of his money to her. Spoiled bitch.

"my foot. who the fuck is he, you whore?"

A stinging sensation took over her cheek, when she realised that YN slapped her. Tied up, she was helpless. She couldn't raise her hand to defend herself or slap her back. So she looked up at YN with utter rage.

"do you want to get thrashed to death? free me."

"do you think i will?"

"untie my hands, slut."

"call me a slut once again and I'll make sure to staple that dirty mouth of yours.".

The man standing near the door came inside, and bowed.

"Good evening. I've heard a lot about you. Seems like you're exactly like what YN told me."

"Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in my house? Get out of here."


YN laughed hysterically and looked up at Moon Jo, who was still standing there, looking around the room and observing her stepmother's expression.

"the fuck? you're delusional. This isn't your house. And I'm going to get you out of here pretty soon. "

"I'll let you touch me?-"

With that, YN took out the sharp, shining knife again, and slit it across her stepmother's face. Blood sprayed on her face, as she looked at her now wounded stepmother.

Moon Jo watched so happily, his YN hurting others was such a pleasant sight to watch. She looked gorgeous even while killing, he thought.

As she slit the knife across her lips, her stepmother let out a loud scream. YN got up and went off to clean her face and hands, leaving Moon Jo and her stepmother alone in the room.

She cried out in pain and frustration, knowing she couldnt do anything. Pure hatred rushed through her heart and she felt miserable.

Moon Jo stood leaning on the side table and spoke,

"You deserve it. You hurt my YN, beat her every single night. Don't you have shame?"

"You're absolutely pathetic. Nauseating. What I am going to do to you, I will make you beg for your life and enjoy the best life infront of you with YN. You wanted to see her cry, I'll make her cry out of joy infront of you. I will kill you in such a way that you beg for death."

She looked up at him with eyes full of tears. Unable to speak because of the numbness around her slit mouth. As YN came out of the washroom, Moon Jo went to her.

" You cried, baby?"

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