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Tuesday, 3rd July
As I came back from college, I felt like I had tons of load on my eyes. Now all I wanted was a nice rest, because afterall I had to study later.
So without wasting much time, YN headed towards home.

Upon reaching at around 3:00, she did not hesitate to change into her pajamas and sleep. It was feeling like she went to bed after an eternity of working. It was good and YN fell asleep in no time.

After 3 hours of sleeping, YN woke up to the sound of someone laughing manically.

???: " What is it that you want from my room? What is the reason to go to my room? I'm talking to you, Sir."

even though he was fighting, his voice sounded calm and elegant. YN then heard giggles, very weird. Alongside laughing, she heard pleas for life.

???: "p-please lea- leave me... I-i will never ent... er your room.. again.. haahahaha

YN looked out to see the laughing twin, who was covered in sweat, as if scared. but at the same time laughing.

Then all of a sudden Jong Woo appeared out of no where and tried to resolve the situation.

The man who had been fighting with the stuttering twin was never seen by YN before. He had a look pretty much same like that of Moon Jo. Long Black hair, dark clothes, even his eyes looked like his.

But, to be honest, he looked like a cheaper version of Moon Jo. Just there was something about him which no one could imitate. His charm, the way he spoke, the words he spoke. Everything about him was charming and godly in a way.

Ahjumma rushed to the hallway, after noticing that I had been standing and watching all the drama. She pulled the man aside and the stuttering twin calmed down somewhat. The man's name came out to be Yoo-Ki.

Ahjumma: Yoo-Ki ah! I have told you so many times to be careful with him. You know what his mental state it like. If you had such a problem, you should have locked your door.

Yoo-Ki: That's fine. I will take care of it from next time but please tell him, not to enter other people's rooms like that locked or unlocked.

He looked at me and further said,

Yoo-Ki: You know we have special tenants who wouldn't like invasion of privacy like that. Don't you think?

Ahjumma looked at me, noticing his state somewhere else as he spoke to her.
Yoo-Ki made his way to the corner of the hallway, where his room was located. He had his eyes on me, as he smiled and shut the door.

Everyone went silent. Even the stuttering twin stopped laughing. Ahjumma then advised everyone to go back to their rooms.

Jong Woo went to the bathroom, sighing in frustration. He was starting to get irritated by the people and their fights here.

YN wanted to eat. She had skipped lunch today because of her never ending work. So she made her way to the kitchen.

She was just wondering what to make for herself to eat, when Moon Jo entered the kitchen.

Moon Jo: Hello! It's been long since we met.
YN: Hey! We are all just so busy because of our lives, aren't we? (laughs)

Moon Jo had a little smile on his face. Not the usual small grin, but a real smile. Which indicated that he was comfortable with YN.

Moon Jo: Planning to eat something? I have a wonderful dish which I bet you'll love.

Now YN being hungry, both for food and for Moon Jo's attention, she did not hesitate to join him on the table and see what he had for her.

Moon Jo took out a plastic container, which had some red meat in it. It was sliced like bacon, but had the redness of beef. She wondered what type was that.

Moon Jo took a beer for himself, as YN didn't take alcohol and took two pairs of chopsticks, placing them on the table.

YN: oh thank you
Moon Jo: Ahjumma makes this for us. The name I don't know but it's really tasty! Try!

YN realised the excitement in Moon Jo's voice. She took her chopsticks and picked up a small piece and as she brought it close to her mouth, the light began to flicker.

The meat tasted weird, it was very chewy and hard at the same time. It had the coppery taste like blood, and was somewhat bitter.

But Moon Jo had it with appetite. He loved it she could see and each bite he took, his eyes fixed on YN. Observing her expression to make out what she thought.

Moon Jo: Do you like it?

YN: Ugh, Yeah. It's fine.

Moon Jo: I love this meat. it's my favourite part.

YN: Which part is it?

Moon Jo: Calves.

YN went silent. What the fuck did he just say?
As the lights flickered, she saw Moon Jo having a mischievous smirk on his face.

Moon Jo: (laughing) You should have seen your face. Did you get scared?

YN took a sigh which she didn't realise she was holding.

YN: yep. your trick worked. I am freaked out.

Moon Jo: Oh don't you worry dear. I'd never ever scare you.

With this incident, YN felt uneasy for the first time in front of Moon Jo.

It was yet the same Moon Jo who gave her butterflies.

a word from the author: Hey guys Raven here! I'm so sorry to not to update since so long. I have school and recently got time so I updated. and also sorry for the short chapter. From Now onwards I'll try to update more. Also one thing really important. I have noticed above 70 views but up votes less than 10 :(
pls try to leave a remark. I'd  appreciate it :)

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