Episode : 2

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"Miss, your mother is here," Maid said as she looked in the mirror while wearing the traditional wedding dress. Her mother walks inside towards her and looks at her fondly. The tear fell from her eyes when she saw her mother. "Mother," She said and hold her waist hugging her tightly.

"Why do I have to marry him when I love someone, you can stop this marriage mother, please ..... Stop this," She Said and her mother broke the hug. "he doesn't love you, he was there for 13 years, I know you love him but he doesn't, it's been 3 years since you waiting for him but he never comes back, he doesn't even reply to your letters, People said he already married, don't ruin your life for someone who doesn't even love you," She said and wipe off the tear from her eyes.

"One-sided love was always painful, Do you want ro stay inside the pain," She Said and hold her while she is crying. Your groom is here, start your new life...." She said and put the veil on her. She holds her up taking her outside from the room towards the ritual area. She walks lifelessly outside but stops when someone holds her hand.

"You can't force her mom, She has a right to know the truth," Her sister said and open her veil, she look towards her older sister who has a paper in her hand. "King Jeon, send these replies to your letter but Mother never let you read them because she wants you to marry the person she choose for you," She said and give those letters to her, recognising the writing of the lover, the tear fell from her eyes.

"I don't know why my letters never reach you, dear, I missed you as you do love."  It was the last line she read, and her mother quickly snatch them from her before tearing them into pieces. "Nothing can change, you are going to marry him that's it," she said and tried to hold her hand but she pulled away harshly. The tears fell from her eyes.

"How could you do this to me mom," "Don't forget he has never come to meet you in the last 3 years," her mother said and she take a step backwards. "I don't want to marry," She said, Her mother hold her hand and tried to pull her, but she got out from her grip and ran towards the back gate, "stop Soo Jin, If you take a step forward It means you breaking every bond with this family, you leaving your father, your mother and your sister, if you take a step out never come back even if we died," She said and Soojin look back towards her mother.

"I don't about others but I am breaking every bond and relation with you," She said and turn around. "Okay..... You can go but remember my curse that you will never be happy in your any life, you will crave for his love and attention but you will get nothing, You will live your life for him but he always suspects your loyalty," The tear fell from her eyes but she takes a step out from the house leaving everything behind just for the love.

Hurting everyone she left, she left for the one she love, a man who makes her happy, a man who makes her feel safe and secure. It's taken her days to reach the jeon palace, but she can't enter just like that, it's not easy to meet the king, but the destiny is on her side, she hears the announcement for the maid in the palace, whoever wants they can apply for that.

She took a breath in relief and walk toward the woman who apply for it. "Can I apply for it," She asked and the woman looked from up to down and felt her eyes on the jewellery she is wearing? "Did you run from your wedding?" She asked and Soojin nodded her head. "You will if you give me your jewellery which is made of gold," She said and touch it. Soojin smiled and quickly take off every piece of her jewellery. "Get me selected please," She said and the woman smile while nodding her head.

"What is your name?" "Soojin."

The King loudly slams his hand on the table when he hears the news of her marriage. "How could it happen, how can she marry someone?" King said and take a deep breath, "Highness, there is a problem in the kingdom," his conversation got cut when his general walked inside his room. "Some woman kidnapped girls and sell to the other kingdom in the name of us, she clone them to work for us and then sell them to others," He said and the king got up. He walks out of his room along with the servant and general following him towards the upper house where he used to do meetings. Everyone inside the palace bows at him as he walks.

"Take the soldiers with you and rescue everyone, take them here or send back them to their families," King ordered. "Okay, your highness," everyone said and walk back to do as ordered.


"Hey sweety," He said and walk towards the girl who is sitting in the corner, it's been three days since she was sold to this man by the woman who scam her, and she can't take care of her innocence, it was brutally ruined by this man, she was crying in the corner holding her tore clothes.

"Please, leave me," She said and he laugh at her misery. He walks closer and bends down, he holds her arm tightly and makes her stand up. He pushes her harshly onto the bed before hovering over her. " I bought you," He said and hold her neck. "I can do whatever I want?" He said and tore her remaining clothes. The tear fell from their eyes as she got raped again for the 5th time this day, but she prayed  to God when the door suddenly cracked by someone.

"Get away from her," The man said and the person got up from her, She turns the other side to hide her body from them. He walked toward him and grab his collar and push him outside. The group of women walk inside and covered her with a bedsheet when they saw her.

They took her outside where the man who raped her kneeling on the floor begging for his life. "Please let me live," He said and The man who saved her looked toward her, seeing her condition make him boil in anger and with that he slice his head off from his body. She closed her eyes when she saw this and the tear fell from her eyes.

The man walked closer to her, "what is your name? I will send you back to your home." He said and she look up, but before she could speak, the darkness took over her as she fell to the ground.


"I send every girl back to their home but 1 left," The general inform the king. The King lookup toward him as if he is asking why. "She was brutally raped by the man, and since she is still unconscious we don't know about her house so she is still under treatment," He said and the king nodded.

He walks inside the room followed by the general. "Did you complete your work?" The king asked the painter who is painting the portrait. The painter looks back and bows down. "It's completed king, as per your description, let me know if what I make is the same or not," He asked and the king smiled.

"It's beautiful, but she is more beautiful in real life," being curious about that, the general look toward the portrait his eyes widen and his face fall when he saw the same girl. "Your highness, do you know her," He asked and the king smiled before replying.

"She is my first and last love, Soojin," He said and The general quickly kneel while giving him his sword. "You can slice my head off, Your highness," He said and the king look back. He looks toward him in confusion.

"Why?" The king asked and the general looked up. "Your highness, She is the same unknown girl who is under treatment, she is brutally raped by the man," the king takes the sword and put it on his neck in anger. "If she is not the same, I will slice your head for saying bad about her," He said and walk out from the followed by the general.

He walks toward the area where she kept, his heart beating faster as he gets closer to the area. He is hoping that she was not the one, he just hopes for her safety. "Your highness," everyone kneels when he walks inside. He stops when he reached inside the room and saw a figure sitting on the bed, her back facing him, Her body was covered with bandages, and she is sitting there looking blankly at the wall.

His presence make her heart beat faster, she turn around to look at him as he stumbled and took a step backwards. The tear fell from her eyes when she saw him finally standing there. Her beautiful face has bruises a deeper bruises which might leave scars.

He was about to walk closer but stops when she said, "don't come near me Highness, I am dirty with another man's touch, I am not pure for you Highness."

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