Episode : 15

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Sitting on the couch, I look towards him, it's been a week since everything happened to us. After taking permission from his mother I finally decided to take care of him. This past week was always stressful because he was not ready to be with me.

I try to pursue him but he just doesn't want me to be with him. After sometime he eventually agreed, "Do you want water?" I asked and looked towards me. He nodded his head and I walked closer to him. I gave him a glass of water and sat on the bed beside his leg.

"Do you want anything else?" I asked and he shook his head. "You should go and sleep," He said and I smiled. "I don't feel like sleeping," I said, he nodded his head. "I am going to fold the laundry," I said and walked towards the couch and sat down. "Can I ask you something?" He said and I nodded my head.

"Did I kill you in our first life?" He asked, I looked towards him, my face fell as my heart started beating faster. "No...." I said with a blank face. "And about our son," he asked, taking a deep breath. "Let's not talk about it," I said and after observing my face, He spoke up. "I don't know if I was wrong or you .... But it doesn't matter anymore," he said. "I want you tell you something...." He said and again I nodded my head.

"I am not sick.... I never got paralysis."


"Are you sure you are going there?" The maid asked as she nodded her head. Walking towards the Prince chamber she took a deep breath. "I have to do this.... For my son," She said and walked inside. As she walked closer to his room her heart started beating louder.

Opening the door she saw him sitting on his bed, he smirked when she walked closer to him. "I am here as you asked me..... Please save my son," She said and he walked closer to her. "I think you didn't hear me... I want to sleep with you," he said.

The tears start gathering in her eyes when he holds her hand, He dragged her to his bed before pushing her on the bed. He got closer to her but she looked away. Her heart hurts along with her head. Feeling guilty she pushed him. "I can't do this," She said and he smirked.

"You don't want to save your son's life," He asked hitting the weakest point. She gulps and looks towards him. "Do it Soojin... It's not like it's your first time," He said. Holding her shoulder, he was about to kiss when the door got busted.

They look towards the man standing there looking at them with disbelief. She felt her world stopped. They both stood up as the King walked closer to them. "So he is the father of your Son," He asked as she looked towards him in confusion. "It's not like----"

"Yes ...." The Prince replies as she looks towards him in disbelief. "We both love each other," He said. She walked closer to him and was about to speak when she felt sting on her face... As he slapped her.

"You were cheating on me,"He asked and she looked towards him. "No.... He is lying," she said. "what are you doing here?" He asked and held her shoulder. The tears start gathering in both of their eyes as they look at each other.

"I want to save my son," She said as the tears started falling from her eyes. Hearing this he laughed sarcastically. "Save..... As if I was about to kill him," He said and shove her off. "you can ask my maid...." She told him just to prove her innocence.

"Sorry to tell you .... You maid is not your maid but mine... She told me about every step you take ..... She told me about your affair and about this." He said his eyes were red with anger. "Kill him....," The King said as the prince smirked. "You can't kill me.... You forget the promise you made with my mother.... You will forgive my 2 mistakes and this will be my second...." He smirk.

Hearing this from him the king stood there in silence. He walks away from his chamber as if nothing happens meanwhile Soojin and King both are standing inside the room. "Did she tell you that I am cheating on you?" She asked in disbelief.

The king walks closer to her and grabs her neck harshly. "I want to kill you right now.... What he had that I don't..." He asked as the tears started falling from his eyes. "Trust me... They are lying...." She said and he let go of her neck. She coughs and holds his hand.

"Please trust me.... I love you ... And they are lying.... I came here because he promised to give my son back," she said and he looked away. "Trust.... Is it even between us.... You become pregnant with someone else's baby and I was happy that I finally was able to become a father.... I was happy because you gave birth to my child..." He said as the tears started falling.

She walked closer to him... "He is your son," She said and he held her shoulder. "How come he is my son when I can't become a father....  When I was an infertile man," He said, her eyes widened as her world fell in the deepest hole. "No... It's not true," she said and he look at her in disbelief. The queen walked inside and smirk when she saw them.

"You cheated on me, You are my enemy side," He said and pushed her. She fell to the floor and looked at him. "You never trusted me right," She said and the tears fell from her eyes. "What are you doing at 2 PM in his room?" She stood up and looked at him.

"Yes, I cheated on you," She said and turned around. The tears fell from her eyes while him standing there. "So this baby is not mine,"

"Come to your senses Jungkook, you are ruining your empire, Leave your emotions back and do your work," the queen said and Jungkook looked up. He caresses her face. "You are right, She is cheating on me and having an affair, and I am telling her everything, she is the spy.....".

"I am not your lover, I will break our every promise, I will break out bond, I am King Jeon Jungkook, breaking my every promise to her," he said and broke the string, she looked up toward him and looked blankly towards the string on the floor.

"The relationship between us is finished, you no longer are something for me, I break my bond with you," He said and she takes a step back, "if it's what you want then whether you kill me or I kill you," She said and smirk and take out a knife from her bun and point on him she ran closer to him... But stop in middle.

The hair clip fall along with her when she heard a very unfortunate news. "Queen.... Crown prince..... Someone poisoned him......he is not breathing..... and the physician
..... He told us that he is no more,"


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