Episode : 11

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"I told you thousand times that she didn't leak anything," He argued. "But father, all the staff knew about it," He said and look towards his brother. They are sitting on the sofa of his father's office.

"Appa, She is victim not a criminal," Junghyung argued back. Listening to evay words from his son's he took a deep breath. "Let her stay until we find a better proof," Mr. Jeon said and Junghyung smile in victory, he teasingly raised his eyebrow and look towards his brother.

He smirk and stood up, "But this doesn't mean she is innocent, You have to find the proof to prove  her innocence," Mr. Jeon said and nodded his head. "By the way, Invite her to my birthday party," He smiled and nodded his head.

He bowed and left the office while Jungkook still sitting, "Why you done this?" He asked. Mr. Jeon look towards Jungkook and smile. "I can see the care and love he has for her, I think he like her," Jungkook form a fist after hearing his father, "moreover if she really innocent it will injustice for her," he said and Jungkook took a deep breath.

"She is not bad for my son, if they really love eachother I will think about it," Mr. Jeon said and laugh. Meanwhile Jungkook felt something heavy in his chest. He stood up and bowed before walking out from the office and walk towards his.


"I don't think it's a good idea," She said and he look at her. "I don't think it's good to opposed him," He said and she took deep breath. "What should I wear them?" She asked and he think about a minute before holding her hand and dragging her with him.

"We need to shop, how about we match like a couple," He said and smiling she hit him, Seeing them happy Jungkook took a deep breath trying to control his jealousy. He took out his mobile before dialing someone's number. "Let's meet tonight," He said.

"Do you like it," Junghyung asked me and I shooked my head. "This is way too sexy for formal party, like it's not my style," I said, I don't like to show my skin because it doesn't make me feel good, that's why I always wear something which cover my skin.

"This one," He asked again earning a big no from me. Walking forward a dress caught my eyes, simple yet elegant classic dress in Black. I smiled and look towards him. "I like this one," I said and he walk closer to me. He look towards the dress and smile. "It's great."

After trying the smallest size it's still large for me. I looked towards him "It will take them 2 days to alter this dress," I told him and he looked towards the woman, "can I talk with you impersonal," he said and the woman smiled and walked with him.

"I am going to purpose her tomorrow please help me," he said and after thinking she nodded her head. "I will make sure it will be ready by tomorrow." He smiled and thanked her. 

After a few minutes they come and smile. "Your dress will be ready by tomorrow," She said and I smiled widely. "Thank you," I said. I take out my card to pay when he holds my hand.

"It's on me," He said and gave her his card. "No it's my dress, I need to pay for it," I said and He shook his head. "It's your pre-birthday gift," "You are not serious right? It's expensive," I said.

"I know that's why it's a gift," He said and I took a deep breath and looked at him, "You have already done a lot for me ," I said. "We are friends and there is nothing to worry about," He said and after paying we left the place.

We drive to my house and he open the gate for me when we reach to my apartment building. "Be ready by 7 I will pick you up," He said and I smile. He look at me when I walk I turn around and wave before walking inside. I took the elevator and reached my apartment. When I reached there, I saw someone unexpected.  "What are you doing here?"


"Oh god Jungkook, That was amazing, it's been a while since we did that," She said and lying beside him, but he didn't enjoy it, It's felt off and I don't know why he felt that, taking a deep breath he lightly pushed her.

"I have some pending work to do," He said and start wearing his clothes. "why you feel so distant, I can feel it Jungkook," She said and he let out sigh. "Don't worry about it, It was just work," He said and she hug him from behind.

"I love you," She said and he didn't reply to her. He stood up and smile at her. "I don't think I come to pick you, so I will send the driver okay," He said and she nodded her head.

He left her house walking towards car. He sat inside it and took a heavy breath. "Why I felt like stranger with her?" He asked to himself. "Why I miss her, why?" He asked himself. That's when he decided to go to her house.


"I come to meet you, to talk with you," He said and I ignore him. He walk behind me and hold my hand. I didn't turn around. "Why did you do that?" He asked and I hardly shrugged his hand. I turn around. "Do you still think I did that," I asked and he walk closer. Putting my hand between us, I stop him.

"You never trust, you never trust me any of our life, and you prove it that you will never change yourself, am I so difficult for you to understand? Am I so difficult for to trust me?" I asked and walk closer to me.

"You cheated on me and you want me to trust you," He said and smirk. "You always left me when I needs you the most, You like to sleep with my brother, You always like that," He said in harsh tone. "If you just love me then we will not endup like this," He said and she laugh sarcastically.

"As if you have known everything," I said. "What do you mean? You told me by yourself that you slept with my brother," he said and hold my arm. The tear fell from my eyes. "The pain still alive within me, I know it's past but I just can't forget it," He said and I push him.

"Behaving like a victim, when you don't trust me, seeing me in another man's arm, you thought that I did it with my will, I did what a mother can do to save her child, I begged, I told everything to you, but did you listen to me, Infront of me, you killed my son, You killed your son, YOU KILLED OUR SON."


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