Episode : 9

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I felt a heavyweight on my waist, I stir in my sleep just to be hugged by someone, I felt the warmth of the body and tried to open my eyes and after a minute of struggle I finally opened it just to be hit by the sharp light coming from the sun.

I looked up just to find someone very familiar to me. I grasped, when I saw him naked. I quickly stood up just to find myself naked also. "Did we?" I asked myself,  I felt the soreness in my womanhood confirming that we had done that.

I know he might not remember it, I know it was just a mistake for him, maybe he was not sober last night that's why it happened. I console myself not to think anything positive, I collect my clothes but before walking out I kissed him on his lip just to get pulled by him. He kissed me hungrily while his eyes were closed. He kissed me on my neck making me moan.

"Jungkook...." I moan, he stops kissing and when reality hits him, he opens his eyes and looks at me, I know why he stops, seeing the confusion in his eyes, I know what he is thinking, "what are we doing here...... Together," He asked, I gulped and pushed him before standing up, " I am sorry," I said and after wearing my clothes I walked out leaving him in confusion.

Meanwhile Jungkook still processing what happened now, Did he just sleep with his enemy? He shook his head and stood up, wearing his clothes and he walked behind her, but when he came out from the room there was none to be found. He took a deep breath and walked back inside his room.


I took a deep breath when I reached the corridor. I sat down on the sofa holding my head. "Why can't I control myself?" I said to myself. Do I regret it, frankly speaking No, I love him and I know it, But sleeping with him was not the thing I want to do with him.

I sigh at my stupidity and stand up, hugging myself I walk out from the hotel, I silently walk towards the beach and sit down there. "It's been a while," I said as the heat wave hit me.

I can feel his every touch on my body, every kiss he gave me, How he is just so good with me, the way he makes love with me, I smiled at the thought but it makes me feel guilty because I somehow take advantage of him, I sigh and shake my head.


"Where are you?" He asked his fiance who was on call, he walked out from the hotel just to find her sitting on the ground enjoying. He smiled and was about to walk towards her when remember something,  She said sorry, it means she thinks it was a mistake. "Can you hear me, honey," He heard someone speaking, "Yes, what are you saying again?" "I was saying that I went home because I am not feeling great, I am sorry, I came to tell you but you didn't open the door," She said and he walked towards his car.

"It's fine I will be back," He said and hung up the call, all other staff left whether early in the morning or some left last night, Just him and her are the only ones left here. He starts his car and drives towards the beach.

He parked it on the side road before walking towards her, "Are you not going back?" He said and she looked towards the man standing there,  "I like it here," She said trying to ignore him. "He sat down beside her, "Okay.... When you want we can leave," He said, She remembers it when they both used to sit on the beach, It makes her remember the past, how they walk hand in hand, and enjoys each other company, she smiled at that thought and stood up,

"Are you taking me home?" She said and he smiled before standing up,  they walked towards his car and sat inside it. "Buckle up your seat belt," he said and I looked towards him, "Huhhh...." I said in confusion.

He comes closer to me and I close my eyes. He holds the belt and puts it around me, I feel his lips touch with mine just for a light peck. I opened my eyes and saw him smiling ear to ear.

"You can't kiss me," I said and he laughed, "I have done it several times last night, and you loved it," he said in a teasing voice. "I know we have done it, but we are not sober, It's a mistake," I said and his face fell, he looked towards me, "It's not," He said and I sigh in defeat.

"You know that right, you are married," "Not married," he speaks in defence. "Okay... Let's say you are about to get married," I said and he nodded his head. "You know that you are cheating on her," I said and he looked out, he knew I was telling the truth.

"We should stop here, moreover I don't want to be a homewrecker," I said and looked outside, he didn't oppose, making me sad somewhere, somehow. Little did I want him to speak the opposite,  but he chose to stay silent so I am.

"Where do you live?" He asked when we entered Seoul. "Can you drop me on the nearest subway," I asked and he nodded his head. He dropped me on the subway and I quickly got down from the car and walked inside without saying anything to him.

As I was walking inside, the tears started falling from my eyes. I said down and started crying the people who are walking must be thinking that I am stupid but I care less about it. Meanwhile seeing her mobile inside his car he parked the car and walked inside the subway just to find her sitting on the stairs crying.

He stood there silently looking at her, He maintained his distance but after sometime he eventually began walking towards her, He stood beside her and she looked up.

"You forget your mobile in my car," He said and gave her a mobile. He was about to walk away when she held his hand, she looked towards the ring and caressed his hand. "I just hope we never meet each other again, I just hope ..... You stay happy, I just hope..... I hate you," She said, "Am I selfish?" She asked and looked up.

The tear fell from his eyes and landed on her face. "Do you hate me this much?" He asked. "I should be the one who hates you," He said and shrugged his hand and walked away,  she also stood up and walked inside it while he walk outside, with that they left each other's path, once again she left alone. Once again they walk away.

Holding the memories she know it will be her last incarnation, she knows it's her mistake but seeing him happy with her she know it's right for them to say away, he was in pain to. He hates her and she loves him.


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