Episode : 5

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Sometimes we become so selfish that we forget what we left behind, taking a step ahead and then backward because we really don't want our past to become a burden on his present. Living him and seeing him happy makes my heart feeling relaxed.

His smile and eyes were always filled with different types of dreams the way he looks at her with eyes filled with love, I know he has forgot about me, about us, about our life. Taking a step ahead after clearing my mind I finally knock his door.

"May I come in, Sir," I asked in soft voice. "Hmmmm" he replied, I open the door and saw his desk full of papers and him wearing glasses. "Anything urgent," he asked and looked at me. I place an envelope on his table, he look at me and grab the envelope before opening it. He look at me after reading the paper inside it.

"Why do you want to resign?" He asked, I took deep breath before speaking. "I like to search for new opportunities," I said trying to convince him, he look at me before tearing it. "I hope you will not come again with this," he said and start doing his work, I look at him in disbelief.

"Sir, I want to resign," I said and he sighed before speaking. "You want an opportunity I will give it to you, but resigning is not a thing I want from you," He said, "then I will not come from tomorrow," I said and about to leave his office when he walk and hold my hand before pinning on the wall.

"Who are you?" He asked out of nowhere, "Why I felt like I know you?" He said and I try to push him but he has a great grip on my body. He look at my hand and saw a string attached, "why you have it?" He asked. I push him and look at him.

"What do you think you are? Huhhh...." I said and he softly hold my hand. The thing I missed so much. He look up in my eyes and start coming closer. "Don't think that?" I said in a warning tone. He didn't said anything just place his head on my shoulder before hugging my waist. He pull me closer to him as he was holding me for his dear life.

"Why I feel so secure with you? Why am I feeling this kind of affection towards you?" He asked while holding me in his arm. I wanted to run from here, I wanted to hide somewhere, somewhere far from him, far from everyone, far from my past and present, but his warmth I missed it so much.

I try to convince myself, Just for today, you waited for years to feel it, but again don't give yourself hope, hope which is meant to be broke, hope which is completely hopeless, but again let it aside, let everything aside and enjoy the moment you have with him, the happiness you are feeling right now since you will not able to feel it again.

The urge to hug him back makes me weak. He felt me trembling on his touch that's why he parted leaving me alone and lost. The warmth left and the cold wave hit me like rock, I am weak and fragile under him. I look up and he is staring at me, "I am sorry, I just went to far," he said and it's hit me, he is engaged he should not be doing this, it's wrong and he felt that, I turn around ready to leave him, ready to leave my love, I am so tired of always fighting, always feeling this, Without another thought, I left the room, leaving him for real.

I walk towards my table and sat on it, I caress the string, I should leave him, I should leave his life, I shouldn't wait for him, crying my heart out the person who is sitting beside me look at me weirdly, but I care less about him as I am leaving anyway. I hold the string before breaking apart. Why I always waiting for him when he has a life to enjoy, why in the end I suffer, why I will only remember my past. My luck and love for him started to get foggy. I should leave him let him be happy and I should also b----.

"Something happened to Mr. Jeon, Call 911," His secretary said taking my mind back to reality.


"You should have not broken your string," the old woman sitting in front of me said, I look at her with the puffy eyes from crying, he is in ICU not able to wake up till now, it's been 3 days and the doctor was not able to find the reason behind it. 

"you were great in your last reincarnations and what happened to you now that you break that string, the string of your fate and only reason you both alive today specially Jungkook," She said and I hold the string, "I am just tired, tired of seeing him with her, how my life is so unfair that I have to remember everything," "it's your choice you know that right," She said and I nodded. "Is there anyway to save him," I asked hoping that there is a way to save him, She look towards my string and hold it in her hand.

"I can save him but after he woke up he will remember all of his bad memories with you," She said and I look at my hand. Saving him is all I want even if it's cause me pain for my whole life, "You know that right, he can make your life living hell," She said and the tear fell from my eyes.

"I bought it to myself, And I will face it, I am ready to face the hell again," I said and she nodded her head, She spell cast on it and the next moment the string disappeared. "The bond and Promise is vanished, and this will be your last life," She said, I smiled at her.

"Don't worry about me, I am great knowing that I don't have to suffer anymore, in my all reincarnation I suffer alot, maybe more then I suffer in my first life, Knowing the truth, seeing him and then leaving him is the biggest fail I have in my life, but in my all life one thing I realised, It's just me who love him unconditionally, It's only me who have feeling for him.... He enjoys his time with his wife.... While I just looking at him from far, Maybe it's my fate or the curse Imy mother gave me,"


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