Episode : 8

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He woke up and found her sitting on the floor hopelessly. The guilt took over him as he looked at her broken, But the anger is way more then his guilt. He stood up and walk out without saying anything to her, she also stay silent all her, she saw him leaving, as if he is not leaving the chamber but her. He didn't turn around to see her, he didn't stay to talk with her, he didn't ask if she is okay, he just left, just like that... As if she meant nothing to him.

The tear fell from her eyes and crying her heart out she know, she will never able to forgive him, she will never able to be with him... And little did she also know the seed of misunderstanding grows inside him that will never let their relationship as before.

Maid walk inside and found her naked just a cloth wrapping around her, She sat beside her and hug her but she don't have any more tears to cry, all left is her broken state. She didn't speak anything as she know what happen between them, she stay silent also Soojin who just sitting lifelessly there.


Holding the baby bump I walk in the garden showing my baby the beauty of nature,  I am happy because now I have someone, someone I  can relay on, After that night he never come back, even after knowing I am pregnant, the distance between us is just growing, I caress the bumb and smile, I start forgiving him, but does he care about my forgiveness.

I heard he bought a new woman for his haram and spent time with her, I know I made a mistake coming here, I know I am so stupid to think that he loves me but in the end I am just his another woman, I walk towards the pond and sat there.

Meanwhile, King Jeon is drinking, making himself sick is one of his way to run from the reality, after knowing the truth he was not able to bring himself to punish her. He stays silent because he don't want to loose her, the only person he love, but she seems to be in love with someone else.

"Leaving her alone is not a solution, Your highness," His general said and he laughed at it. " What do you want me to do then... huhh do you want me to beg her so I could be with her .... no I can't because this is not my thing because this is not me," he said and gulp another glass of liquor.

"Your highness, without her you are also not happy," He said and King look towards him, "Am I wrong?" He asked and general shook his head. "You are not wrong.... That night just anger took over you," He said and kneel down. "You should go and meet her, She is pregnant with your child, she needs you," He said and the king stood up.

He walk out from his chamber when her maid run towards him. "Your highness, Miss Lee gives birth to a prince the new heir of the throne born," She said and his face light up. He quickly walked towards her chamber, after waiting a minute his son is finally in his hand, he smiled and caress his head.

"How is Soojin?" He asked to the maid, "She is fine but just a little tired, you can meet her if you want," He was about to take step when Queen walk towards him. "There is an urgent matter I want to talk about," She said, "I will talk about it later," He said but she stop him by saying something.

"It's about Soojin and her baby, he is not you child," She said he look at her and raised his eyebrows. "You can't become a father, That's why your women can't become pregnant."


"Thankyou for coming today for party," he said and everyone cheered while she is standing there alone, just feeling the nature of the beach. It's jungkook 25th birthday party and she was also invited there. She can see him with his fiance dancing on the floor, she is not jealous but seeing him happy, enjoying make her heart feel somekind of rest.

She look at him and smile when he smile, anyone who see her can notice her love for him, He look at her when she caught her eyes on him. Shamelessly she didn't left his eyes, there is a spark within them, and he can feel the heat.

Excusing himself he walk away from his fiance, he walk towards her but saw her walking inside the hotel. He follow her there.


I was feeling tipsy when I decided to take a break and walk back to the hotel, I walk towards the hotel and reach there. I walk towards the elevator, the elevator reach and I felt a strong pull. Someone just hold my hand and pull inside the elevator. He pinned me on the wall before kissing me hungrily. I open my eyes and try to catch my breath as his hand holding mine.

I look up and ready to yell when I saw a very familiar face. He look in my eyes and before I could spoke, he kiss me again, kissing him back that's what I do. He hold my waist when we reach to the floor. Hugging my waist and kissing me he open the door of his room.

I walk backward and untie his Tie while kissing him, my mind went blank, maybe Because I am drunk or maybe I just crave his touch, he throw me on his bed before hovering over me. "God knows what you did to me that I can't control," he said while I am breathing heavily. I pulled him closer and start unbuttoning his tuxedo shirt.

He pinned my hands on above me, he smirk and kiss my neck bone. "You are so ready for this," he said and I gulp when he reach to my thigh. "I will consider it as my birthday gift,"


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