Episode : 14

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"What happened to him?" Mr. Jeon asked to the doctor standing in front of us, Jungkook suddenly fainted, they all rushed to the hospital along with me and Junghyung who is very concerned for his brother.

"He got paralysis," He said and I graps in air. I put my hand on my mouth not believing what he said. "No....." His wife kneel down hearing the unfortunate news. "I just married to him," She said and cried while her mother is hugging her.

Meanwhile Mrs. Jeon just stood there in silence, I look towards her and walk closer. "Ma'am Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded her head. She took my hand in her. "Honey..... Are you not worried about him?" Mr. Jeon asked as she look towards her husband and the tears start falling. "What you expect from me? .... Worried? Are you worried about him," She argued back.

It's first time she talk with her husband like this. Junghyung walk closer to her. "Eomma---," "Don't say anything.... If my son is sick it's because of him," She said pointing her finger on her husband.

"I told you thousand time to give him break, to let him choose, not to force him, treat him like your son not an asset," She said while crying. "I never want this marriage to happen same goes to Jungkook, I told you not to force him into this," She said and Shin-woo walk closer to mother in law.

"What are you saying? He loves me," She said and look towards her. "He never loved you, he just trying to be a good son," She said and the tears start gathering in her eyes.

"No.... You are lying ..... He love me," "Has he ever said that?" She asked, her eyes shows no emotion as if whatever her mother in law saying is truth. "He wants to accept his fate.... He wants to accept his father decision.... He just dissolving himself just to proof that he is a good son," She said and kneel down.

I sat beside her and hug her, she hug me back and Mr. Jeon just stood there in silence. "I never knew about that.... Honey," He said with sad voice. Junghyung come closer to me when Mr. Jeon walk away. "Shinwoo...." Her mother called her when she ran away.

"My son...." Mrs. Jeon said while crying. "I going to look after Appa....." He said and I knodded my head.


"Here," I give her coffee when she finally stop crying. Sitting on the bench, I can see the concern and sadness on her face. "everything going to be alright," I Console her. "I never knew that he will end up like this..... If only I know about this I will never let him marry her....." She said as the tears start falling from her eyes.

"I know he love someone else.... But I never meet her or know who is she," She said and I can feel the hurt on my heart. "Everything is going to be fine.... Trust me he will be fine," I told her and she just smile before the doctor came out from to talk with her.

"He is okay and I am shifting him to the room... You can meet him there but it will took him 1 to 3 days to wakeup," He said and her mother nodded her head. "But...." "But what doctor," she asked he took a deep breath before speaking.  "I don't think will able to walk or even stand up," He said and she broke down in tears and also me.

It's a big thing to hear. "Doctor please do something," she said between her sobs. "I will... It's my responsibility but informing you is my duty," He said and after saying sorry he walk away. I hold her shoulder in my arms as she continued with her crying.

"What did the doctor said ... Everything okay?" He asked and I shook my head. "Doctor told us that he will not able to walk again," Junghyung eyes widen and he hugged his mother. I took a step back and left them alone. Walking away from them as the tears start falling from my eyes blurring my vision. As I walked further I saw someone standing there arguing.

"I can't take care of him .... Mom..... I can't," She said and her mother held her hand. "Listen.... This is the only way for you to get closer to him.." she said and the daughter shrugg her hand. "You made me sleep with him .... You forced me... I know I have feeling for him but when he don't love me then there is no way I am going to become his servant," She said and walk out followed by her mother.

Realisation hit her like a truck. "She doesn't  love him...." She said. 'but I do,' her inner self said. 'At least you can give him the love he deserves,' 'But he doesn't loves you,' 'how you know... Maybe he love you but just afraid to tell you,'

My inner self argued. Taking a decision I walk towards the room where Jungkook supposed to transfer. I saw his mother sitting inside while Jungkook sleeping on his bed with the all the equipment attached to him.

I walk cloer to him and look at his hand when magically a blue string show up. Her eyes widen, she feel a sting on her hand and when she look up the red string that she broke months ago shows up.

Knowing what it's means she look towards him. We can't run from our fate ... We fated to love each other, to stay with each other.

I look towards Junghyung and His mother. I walk closer to her mother and kneel down. "If I ask you something... Will you let me do that," I asked and she look at me in confusion. "Can I stay with him ... Can I take care of him...." I said.

She look towards me and then Junghyung. Junghyung look towards me with sad expression because he know that I love him because he overheard our conversation.

"You.... But why?" She asked in confusion. She looks towards her son and then towards me. "Aren't you both are dating?" "No we are not..... And ...... Let her do that because...... She love him," he said looking at me.


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