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"Your baby is healthy and I am glad," The doctor said and earned a smile from him. Who is standing beside me holding my hand. His eyes never left the computer screen and adores it.

"You need to take calcium and Iron  regularly," She said and I nodded my head. She look towards Jungkook and smile. "Can I talk with her in person," She said and Jungkook nodded his head. He left the room leaving two ladies alone. I sat up and smiled at her.

"When are you going to tell him about---" "Never.... I don't want him to know that," I said and she took a deep breath. "You have to tell him before its too late," I shook my head and caress my baby bumb. "I want to give birth and left the most precious gift for him...." I told her.

Looking at me with concern and I give her an assured smile. "You have to come in my baby shower," I told her and she smile, she nodded her head.


"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Jeon... You going to be grandparents," They said and both smile before thanking them. Meanwhile the couple walking on the beach, "You like today's Function," He asked and she smile. He caress her baby bump and kiss her.

"I am so happy to be with you," he said and caress her hand. Suddenly she start coughing, Jungkook held her hand as she coughing so much. "Are you okay?" He asked and nodding her head she quickly walked inside the house.

Jungkook follow her to the bathroom and his heart sank when he saw blood in her hand. Seeing his standing there, she look at him with fear. "Blood ....." He said and walked closer to her.

"What happened?" He said. She smiled at him but before she could say anything she fell on him taking his breath away.


Everyone rushed to hospital, Mrs. Jeon crying while Junghyung standing close to his brother. "Everything will be fine.... Don't worry," He said but Jungkook doesn't feel like this. "We need to deliver the baby... I want your sign in concent form," The nurse said giving him paper to sign.

"You have to do this," Junghyung said. Jungkook with trembling hand sign the paper. He doesn't feel right... He is feeling fear and afraid to loosing her.

After half an hour the nurse walked out from the room and smile at them. "Congratulations.... You baby girl is healthy," She said and give the baby to him. With trembling hand he held her in her hand. Seeing her he can see Sunbin.

Mrs. Jeon walked towards him and take the baby from him and held in her hand. "How is mother?" Junghyung asked, Nurse nodded her head and look towards Jungkook. "Doctor will tell you about her."


"She is suffering from cancer... And it's her 4th stage," He felt like his world collapse after hearing it. "She only has few days, even if we want we can't save her... So lost so much blood in her C-section that she will not able to operate again... And the chemotherapy it's too late for her," Hearing it his tear fell from his eyes.

"How long she has that?" He asked and Doctor look towards the file and said,"Last time she came to me when she was 2 months pregnant and I told her to abot the baby but she refused it, at that time she was only her 2nd stage which is definitely curable," He said.

The tear fell from his eyes and he stood up. He walked out from the room with shocked. Junghyung looked towards his brother and held him. "Is she alright?" He asked. Jungkook look up as he started crying. Putting his hand on his head he cried, Junghyumg confused along with Mr. Jeon and Mrs. Jeon who is standing there with his baby in her hand.

"She is going to leave me.... She is going to die," he said while crying. Unable to process what he said Junghyung looked towards his mother. She give baby to nurse and walked closer to him. Seeing his son crying her tears also start falling.

"What happened Jungkook?" She asked. Jungkook hugged her mother and Cried on her chest.


I opened my eyes just to find myself  in the unfamiliar room. I look around and found Junghyung sitting on the couch looking down. "Jung...hyung," I said and he look up. Seeing me awake he quickly walked towards me.
"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and placed my hand on my stomach just to find it flat. The fear took over me.

"Baby..... My baby.... Where is she?" I asked and he nodded his head. "She is under observation," He said and I took a deep breath. "Where is Jungkook?" I asked. He look at me before speaking. "Do you know that you have Cancer?" He asked and looking at him I could say Jungkook know about it.

"You know that you can't cure it," He asked and I nodded my head. "Why did you did that?" He asked unsure how to speak. "I know that .... Please call Jungkook," I said. The tear fell from his eyes as he walked away. Waiting for him to come but he didn't.

After sometime the door opened and I saw Jungkook coming inside with a warm smile on his face. "Jungkook..." "Look... I bought your favourite chicken," He said and ignore looking at me. He walked towards the couch the put everything on it.

"Jung---" "our baby is so beautiful... She has our mixed features," he said and I nodded my head. I can feel the hurt and pian in his eyes and voice. "Jungk----" "we become a parent," He said and I started crying when I saw the tears fell from his eyes.

"I am sorry," I said and he looked towards me. He sat down on the couch and looked at the ground. "I am sorry....," I said again while crying. "Why didn't you told me this.... Why you have to hide it.... You can save yourself, you can save my wife... You can save her mother.... You can save my love... But you become selfish," He said and I cried.

"I was so happy that I finally able to change my fate but I never knew in the last you will leave me again," He said and look up. "Jungkook," "Don't say anything..... Just you can't leave me," He said and cried like a baby. He stood up and walked closer to me.

"Please.... Don't leave me i will not able to live... Please," he said as we both cried. Holding his hand. "Please... Take a good care of her..... And please be happy.... Forget about me..... Please," I said and he shook his head.

"Forgetting about you means... I forgetting my half..." He said and kiss my hand. I smiled and caress his face. "You know I love you right.... " I said. Smiling at him. "Can I see my baby?" I said. He nodded his head and walked out. Seeing him leaving, I smile. "Take care love..... I will see you again."


"Appa...." Small girl yell at her father who is sitting on beach looking at sunset. He smiled and walked closer to her. "Appa.. grandmother is calling you," She said and held her father hand. He smile and pick her in his arm and look towards the sun.

"Appa.... I know why eomma likes it," She said pointing towards the sun and Jungkook smiled at her. "Why?" He said and she smile. She kiss him on his cheek and smile. "Because You look handsome in this light." She said and hug her father.

Looking at the sunset, he miss her, he miss everything about her but this child become his reason to stay alive. She left him without seeing her, and in her last moment he was not with her. She tricked him, she make him leave her so she can silently left him.

I will meet you when the sun set, the day and night meet eachother, the light and darkness meet eachother, I meet you near this sea, I will be back to love you and protect you, you and I will born again in other world, time and family but this time our end will be different this time i will protect you, This time I will bring the light in your life, this time I will love you more then you love me and this sun, moon, sky and stars are all witness of our love, of my love.

_____________The End____________

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