Episode : 12

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"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING MY SON," she yelled at the maid, the maid looked down "it's king order, Your highness," She said and Soo Jin quickly stood up and walked closer to her. "Give me my son, I gave birth to him, he can't take him away from me," She said, her maid walked closer to her. "It's king to order Madam he will be back," She said and Soojin shook her head.

"I can't trust anyone," "But the king is his father," She said. Soojin looks towards her and then towards her son. "I will go also," "I will send someone, you just give birth to him, you are not in a position to go there."

She broke down crying and the maid walked out from her chamber walking towards the king. She walked inside just to be greeted by the king and Queen sitting on his bed. "King, I bought him here," She said and kneel down, she placed the small baby on the floor.

He took a great look of him before speaking anything, "Take him with you, and don't let anyone meet him," He said to Queen and she smiled before walk out with the maids.


"Madam lee, the queen took prince to her chamber," She said and Soojin quickly stood up. "What?" "Yes and the king told her to do so," She asked and without thinking twice she quickly ran out from her chamber.

She walk towards King chamber and about to walk when guard stop her. "You are not allowed to go inside," He said and She shook her head. "Let me go in," She said and they look down. "What are you doing here?" Someone asked. Soojin look towards the man who is standing upstairs.

"I want to meet King," She said and seeing her condition he nodded his head.
After taking permission the general walked inside. "Madam Lee is here to meet you," He said and King shook his head. "She will not put a step inside my chamber and it's your responsibility," He said, The general nodded his head and walked out.

"He want you to leave," He said and she knelt down. "Please let me go, it's urgent, please," She begged but ignoring her voice he walked away.


"Please go back to your chamber," The general said standing there. "Madam, You are not fully recovered, You will catch the cold," The maid said but she didn't said anything. "I will not go back until I'll get my son," She said as the tears continuously falling from her eyes.

His maid walk inside his chamber and found him drinking. "King, Madam Lee is still sitting on the ground, refusing to go back," she said and he throw his bottle on the floor taking her off guard.

Stumbling on his feet he walk out from his room towards the entrance. "LEAVE," He yelled at her, she look up and start crying. It's been 10 months since she saw him. She heard that he came to meet his son but didn't come inside.

"Give my son your Your highness, please," She said. She bowed to him and he just smirk. "He is not only your son but also mine, Queen is going to take care of him, your responsibility was just to give birth," He said and she look up. She shook her head. "Don't do this to me please, He is the only reason I am able to survive this far, and he is just a month old, he needs her mother," She said between her sobs.

"You are not a royal woman, you will not able to give him education he needs," He said and begging him he didn't heard her words as if he become deaf. He was about to walk inside when her words stop him. "If you ever love me, if you ever had feelings for me, if you ever feel sorry for me, If our friendship is important for you, if you care about my  struggle I did just to be with if, please for the last time give him to me, I will never come in front of you, Please, you can't leave me like this, I want my child," He didn't said anything and just walked inside.

She looks towards his fading figure, her heart hurts the hope left her life. "Madam , please we will come tomorrow," She said but before she could spoke everything went black making her fall on the ground. "MADAM, CALL THE PHYSICIAN," Said The maid.


It's been 3 week since everything happen, she become lifeless, sitting on her bed like a dead person that what she did. "Please eat it," The maid said, she didn't reply back.

"Madam Lee, Prince Junhyun is here to meet you," The other maid said, She didn't reply to her but the senior maid nodded her head. After sometime the pince walk inside with a smile on his face, looking her broken slef makes him satisfied.

"I heard that the King took your son away from you," He said and walk closer to her. "I can help you to get back your son," He said and she quickly turn to look towards him. Listening him speak a new hope formed inside her.

"Do you know they were about to kill your son especially Queen," he said and fear took over her. "But I can help you,"  "Can you really help me," she asked and he nodded his head. "I will kidnap him from the queen and give it to you, then I will send you away from this kingdom, after that I will fake your death," He said and she quickly walk towards him.

She kneel down in front of him, "Please save my child," She said and he kneel infront of her. "But nothing comes free you have to pay the price first," He said, she look up and nodded her head. "I will do anything, anything.... just save me child," She said while crying.

He caress her face and flinch in fear. "Sleep with me tonight, and I promise you son will be with you by tomorrow, I will wait for you in my chamber."


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