Episode : 3

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Those words ring inside his head, it makes him anxious when she said that, He can see how broken and sad she seems, but how come she is here when she married days ago, those questions are raised in his mind but he stays silent because he doesn't want to make her uncomfortable. He took a step forward and look into her eyes.

"Why are you saying this?" He asked and kneel in front of her. She stays silent and just looks at him. "It's an accident," He said trying to comfort her but she stays silent while observing him. "Is this your kingdom, Is this the world my mom doesn't want me to see... She told me that the path I am walking on is filled with needles but I never know that these needles just don't bleed me but tear me apart, from the body to my soul, Everything is broken," She said and the tear fell from her eyes, He holds her hand and caresses it.

"Tell me who did this to her," He said with anger, the general walks inside and bowed. "I killed him," he said and the king looked toward the girl and carry her in her arms. "She will be staying in my room... I will take care of her," after announcing it he takes her, meanwhile on the other side of the palace.

The queen waiting for The king since they are married he only spends one night with her, "Your highness," the maid walk inside the Queen's chamber. "So, what news do you have today?" Queen asked, the maid kneel and start speaking. "Your highness, King brings a girl into his chamber," The queen quickly stood up from her seat and look at the maid angrily.

"Do you know what you are saying?" She asked and Maid bowed. "Ma'am the whole palace knows about this," Queen quickly walk out of the room. She walks elegantly towards the king's chamber. Her eyes are red but still wears a killer smile.

"Queen... Respect for you," The guard bowed and kneel in front of her. "Where is king?" She asked and he gulp down before replying. "King is inside," He said and she is about to walk inside but he stop her, "sorry, but we can't let you in," He said and the queen smirked before replying. "You know, you doing a sin," she said and push him away before entering.

She saw him sitting on the bed while a female figure lying on the bed. He is holding her hand while she was sleeping silently. Knowing her presence of her, he looks towards her, she is standing by the door observing the whole scene.

"What brings you here?" He asked and stood up, he walk closer to her and stand in front of her. "Who is she?" She asked and he frowned. "I ask you the question first?" He said and she looks at him. "You promise me to spend tonight with me, then why are you here?" She said and he walk backwards.

"I remember my promise, I will make for it," he said and turn around but before he could walk he hear her laughing. "When are you going to do it? Your mother wants an heir, how am I supposed to fulfil her order when you don't even look at me?" She said and walk closer to him. She hugs him from behind and caresses his chest.

"You know I am waiting for you but you still didn't come to me," he pushes her hand and turns around, his eyes show no emotion just anger. "Our marriage is just a part of a deed, Your father promises to help me win my kingdom back in exchange he wants you to become a queen, that's it... I did what they ask me, don't expect anything else from me," He said.

She was about to speak but was interrupted by a yelp in pain by the girl who is lying there. He looks towards her and quickly walks towards her, he sat beside her on the bed when she stirs asleep. "Yura, Are you alright?" He asked, hearing the familiar voice, she open her eyes just to meet with him.

The lip itself curve in a smile when he saw her, she looks around before trying to sit up, and he help her sit and hold her hand. The longing in their eyes has a huge spark which can be seen miles long. He kisses her hand and holds her cheek. "You don't know how much I missed you," he said and the tear fall from her eyes. She holds his hand and starts sobbing.

The pain in her body and soul both are unbearable, she is feeling disgusted with herself. He tries to control her but she just sobs loudly. He quickly hugs her and kisses her head. "They touch, they beat, they kiss me, they...... They raped me..... I am... Dirty," she said between her sobs.

King caress her back trying to calm her down while she hugged him tightly, but they are not alone. The Queen was also standing there looking at them, her heart hurts when she saw him with another woman. As much as she wants to snatch him away, she can't.

She turns around and walks outside of his room. She walks toward her mother-in-law's room, her eyes are teary, her heart hurts, and her smile changes into anger. Her eyes were blood boiling and her head hurt. "Mother," she said and walk inside her room. "Our daughter-in-law, how are you dear?" She asked and the queen started crying. She ran towards her and hug her while crying.

"She is here... Soo Jin  is here... I saw her in his room, he hugs her mother... He is going to replace me," she said and cried. Mother looks toward her and holds her arm. "Are you sure you saw her?" She said and the queen nodded her head. Mother took a deep breath before calling her bodyguard.

"Bring me Soojin's whole family alive, they break the promise they made to me," She ordered and the guard bowed before walking away. "Don't worry daughter, I will get rid of her,"


"Did you complete your project design," the director asked her, and she smile before replying. "Almost, Just need a few hours," She said and the director nodded his head. "Mr Jeon will be there at any time, I hope you will complete before comes," she nodded her head before walking out of the office. She took a deep breath and settle herself on the seat.

She was working on a very important project, she lightly massage her shoulder which pains her. Look towards the very basic yet elegant design and smile. "It's matched with the project, I think he will like this," Someone said and she turn her head and look towards the handsome man standing close to her. "Do you like it?" She smiles and asked, and he smiled back before replying.

"Do you think it looks good on the model," he asked and look at her in confusion. She nodded her head and reply. "I saw her, she is not very skinny, so it will look good," She said and he look at her with worry. "Don't you know that the model changed?" He said and she look at him in confusion.

"Hold on... Director Kim doesn't tell you that Mr Jeon change the model, now this dress will be represented by his fiancè Choi Shin-woo," He asked and she shook her head. "Can you show me her picture... The deadline is on the corner I need to hurry up," she said and he take out his mobile, but before he could search, the door opened and the couple walk inside.

Jeon Jung kook and Choi Shin-woo, The hottest couple, they look great together, a perfect combination of two people. She looks toward the man and her face fall, she can see the smile on his face while he was talking with her. She is the same..... She still has the same beauty that any man can fall for.

They are holding hands and walking together inside the meeting room. Jungkook's eyes met with her sadness once, he can see the pain and sadness in her eyes which makes his heart aches. 'Who are you... I am feeling like this when I saw you... Why do your eyes always bother me,'

He walk inside the meeting room and sat down, meanwhile, sun bin sat down on her chair holding her chest. This pain is killing her cause she knows the past, she knows him, She feels the love and sadness of everything she sees him.

She is stuck here, in her past life, it was her choice to remember it, but it's killing her cause her past not only holds bad memories but also the best memories. Seeing her with him seems like the past repeating itself. She can feel the happiness on his face when he walks inside with her.

"To love you, I have lost my every inch, but in the end you never be mine."

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