Episode : 6

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Holding his hand the only thing crossed my head is how lucky I am to have him in my life, the support he gave me everything feels so unreal when he was with me and again I paid a huge price to get him, the thought of leaving my family and them end up dieing, makes me guilty and sad.

He was sleeping so peacefully as if he don't have a kingdom to rule, spending time with him in his busy schedule makes me feel special. I smile and caress his head. Suddenly he hold my hand and pillow me towards him before hugging me.

"You awake, and enjoying it alone right," he said in sleeping voice, I caress her cheeks and kiss his lip. He open his eyes and look in my glassy one. I can see the entire universe blinking in his eyes. The eyes which adore me, the eyes which make me feel so loving and special, the way he talk the way he looks makes me so secure that I can die for it.

"I want to have a family with you, I want to make you my Wife and this Empire's Queen," he said and I looked at him in surprise. "No one will accept this," I said and he shook his head, he held my hand in his, and caressed it softly, "I will try," He said and I smiled at him.


"I will not accept this, If you want to do this, you have to kill your mother first,". She said and I look at him who is sitting there trying to convince her, "and all of that you already have Queen and you know she is well trained for this kingdom, she can manage your haram and also can manage this entire Kingdom, 7 Minister will not accept this, because she was not from a great family," She said and look at me, I lower my head and he notice it how uncomfortable I am.

"You can make her your consort, and can produce heir but leave the thought of her becoming a queen," She said and I look up, he nodded his head and look at me, that time the decision we made make our life living hell, the distance start getting wider and the Queen start spending alot of time with her , I know that she is his wife and he has full right sleeping with her but I felt alone.

I was walking on the beach with maids following me, "You like to come here," She asked while walking behind me. "It soothes my messed up mind," I said and we walk alone on the beach, I remember how he always chasing which I was running for my life, I smile at the thought when his maid come to me.

"King want to spend night in your chamber," She said and I smile, After 3 months I finally will able to see him, I quickly walk towards my chamber while maid following me.


Getting ready, I wore a red lip tint which makes me feel beautiful. Hearing the knock, I look towards the maid who is standing there, "Where is the King?" I asked and she look down. "Queen like to spend time with him that's why he want me to inform you that he will not able to come tonight," She said and I put down the makeup before nodding.

I stood up and walk outside from the room, the maid start following me but I stoped them and walk out alone. The tears start falling without me knowing, I craving for his attention, I crave for his love, I felt like I lost him, how beautiful it will be if we stay in the small house just him and me, I felt leftout.

"You are all alone in the middle of night," someone said and I turn around, I saw Prince Junhyung standing there with his men, I bowed to him and he smile before walking closer to me, I took a step behind and he stop his step when he saw me uncomfortable, "I just can't sleep," I said and he walk closer to me and hug me out of nowhere, I try to push him but he has a strong body that I can't push.

Little did I know someone is watching us from far.


"Sir, Kang Sun bin is here," She said and he nodded his head, I walk inside the hospital room and saw him sitting on the bed silently, feeling my presence he look up, I can see the rage and hate in his eyes. "What should I call you, Lee Sunghui, Kang Sora, Kim Eunbin, or SooJin?" He asked with unfamiliar low and heavy voice.

"All the thing I have been seeing, I thought that it's just nightmare, but now I know It's the reality of my past life," He remembered it, he remembered the harsh truth, I gulp down the saliva and close my eyes.

"Do you remember anything from your past?" He asked and I look at him, he look helpless and broken. "I remember everything," I said and he sarcastically laugh. "You make my life living hell, You cheated on me, you hurt me to the core I was ready to take my life, you hurt me so much that I hoped that we will never meet again, Even though I love you, you just betrayed me," he said and tear fall from his eyes.

He got up from his bed and walked closer to me, "You made my life living hell, now in this life I will make your's life living hell, I will make you feel the hurt I felt in my all life, I was so dumb to love you, I was so stupid to trust you, I hate you," He said with so much hate that it tear me in thousand peices. Looking down on the floor, I can hear his cracked voice which has so much hate for me.

"You can do whatever you want with me, you can kill me or abuse me, I don't care, because after this life I will be free,"


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