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|Hot N Cold|

|Hot N Cold|

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"Fuck..." Vernon slammed his fist into the wooden trolly next to him, splitting it with the impact.

Just what was that? Vernon said, he put his hand to his mouth, wanting to wipe the smile he once wore straight off his smug face. He didn't realize how much he wanted to hear it. Those words coming from Seungkwan.  "I want you, Vernon."

It wasn't like it was the first time he had heard it. There were plenty where Seungkwan had screamed his name with desperation and begged for him. He'd sigh, cry, and utter those words to him over and over again. But this time, it felt a bit different.

It felt good. Like rubbing aloe on an itch, just soothing him completely. At the moment he felt content but it was only right after when he had finished the boy off and had him deep in slumber beneath him that his mind started to whirl.

Why had he put on such a display of himself? Why had he said such a thing? "You are mine." The statement itself was just utterly false. Seungkwan was in fact not his and Vernon preferred to keep it that way. Sure, sex was something he undoubtedly enjoyed with him but it never brought him to such possession.

He was possessive of Seungkwan? That thought alone made him want to burst out in laughter. Not by an inch. There was no way. Seungkwan... Vernon hated him. Or at least hated people like him.

The pure bloods that spent years ruling with cruelty. Feeding off the weak, forcing slaughter on the fragile. The human race succumbed to mere slaves for the vampires or just plain food.

His mother and father... no. Vernon shook his head and clenched his fist. He wouldn't allow himself to fall into the devil's tricks. Be seduced by that whore for a prince.

Vernon could admit he was cruel himself but he was raised that way, ripped from a nurturing embrace and brought up with blood and violence. He was made to do the royal family's bidding and he hated them for it. All he knew was hate.

And, even if Vernon somehow did find a way to accept Seungkwan, it would never work. Seungkwan was cold and selfish, he could never truly know how to love another person and it was the same for Vernon, he couldn't understand the first thing about love, having not experienced it in his life.

Plus, love... they didn't deserve it even if it was possible. How could two people so vile... so evil... ever find something so pure and warm. Ever possess it in themselves or for the other. It was impossible.

Vernon took a deep breath in and out. That was enough thinking. His mind finally cleared enough, the small lingering doubts ever so tiny now.

I have to go back up and clean his highness off... Vernon thought. He only realized now that he had left him rather quickly after his finish, not being able to tidy him up before catching some air outside.

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