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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


The boat ride was ready, it seemed Chan took the time he was locked out to get the preparations finished so they could get straight on.

The night was beautiful and filled with the sounds of flowing water and faint buzzing. It would be peaceful, if not for someone who had already got the prince quite riled up.

Seungkwan sat down in his seat across from Vernon. His eyes squinted at the man across from him, his tongue rolling around the flesh of his cheek. Vernon didn't seem to falter, his stare pointed right back, knowing and entertained. Chan on the other hand in the back of the boat trying to get the tea ready for serving.

"Fucking tease," Seungkwan mumbled, he averted his eyes to the water watching the way the floating lotus swayed with the ripples. His mind racing with millions of names he could be calling the knight just this instant.

Finally, Chan came back with the tea and handed it off to the prince before taking his seat next to the row, to help Vernon move them along the water.

Seungkwan could admit, this way was relaxing and kind of enjoyable minus the prick in front of him enjoying the sexual turmoil he previously put him in. He still could not grasp why Vernon decided to do that, especially after such progress they were having.

Perhaps it had something to do with earlier and what he said to Joshua... maybe Vernon wanted to remind him of their relationship, of its restrictions. Maybe he didn't like the possession outside of sex and so he wanted to remind him of where it was appropriate.

It all seemed too calculated and maybe he was overthinking the interaction, but it was hard because Vernon never reveals his intentions until during or after he's already made a lesson out of you.

I never realized how much of a worrier I am. Seungkwan thought and sighed. Actually, I think this might just be a new side of me because of him. Seungkwan looked at Vernon with another nasty glare, which gained a sly smile in return.

"Whoa! I've never seen these before!" Chan said as he leaned outside the boat to get a better look at the strange bobbing plants in the water.

Seungkwan took a look at what Chan was referring to and his eyes attached to the lilies emerging from the dark star-infested waters, "Awe, we call those sleeping lilies here."

"They are preserved best in water and are kept fairly far away from the castle because it's said their scent can induce a sudden deep slumber," Seungkwan noted. "I only know this because my mother used to demand the soaked lily to be included in my evening meals because otherwise, I'd be 'too much trouble' at night."

"But the scent really doesn't do anything to purebloods it's mostly second generations and humans that are vulnerable to the smell..." Seungkwan snickered, and turned his head back to Chan, "Consumption of the lily works wonders though...oh..."

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