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Seungkwan took a sip of his black tea. Drinking tea had become a strange habit of Seungkwans. Its unfamiliarity was significant, due to the boy's blatant hatred for human customs. Similarly, tea drinking was the only human practice that the purebloods didn't adopt. Only Seungkwan.

"Hmm hmm..." Seungkwan hummed to himself with a little smile. His eyes grazed the others staring intently at him.

His maids and servants always seemed to be enthralled by his habit. Perhaps they've never seen a vampire drink tea. Considering that a lot of these servants were new, he always got a new fun reaction.

Some were even human, so perhaps. Seungkwan used his finger to circle his cup, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. In Seungkwan's mind, he'd like to think they were reminiscing about home. It was utterly sad, yet extremely entertaining.

Seungkwan then glanced up at Chan, and he saw the way the boy stood at his side with a small meaningless smile plastered on his face. For some reason, his expressions seemed to make Seungkwan's skin crawl.

"Don't stand so close to me," Seungkwan said, he waved his hand to the boy to move, and Chan moved a few steps back.

Seungkwan was aware that he had gone down there to relax and perhaps chat with the boy close to his age. Well, less chat and more vent about his frustrations. But all of that was scrapped when he figured Vernon, his main topic of discussion, would be present.

Now more than ever Vernon made his presence very obvious, as though he sensed danger and was threatening those around them with his power. Danger from where Seungkwan wondered. There surely were no assassins among them.

Or perhaps it was because of him. Chan, the little noble boy that had shown up out of nowhere spouting nonsense about his father and invitations of a lifetime of servitude, that he for some reason was so utterly happy to accept.

Seungkwan felt a sort of amused tingle inside him at the idea. What kind of tricks and games could he play with Chan. Maybe ones that would cause Vernon to worry. Oh, dear knight, this evil butler, he really wants me to kill him but you don't need to know that. So go on ahead and believe it's the other way around.

He's quite dangerous ain't he? Surely I'd let my guard down enough so he could hurt me. wink wink.

"Chan, so you will be serving me for a long time then?" Seungkwan asked, then out of character for the prince, he grabbed Chan's hand and gave him a gentle smile, "if so, we should get plenty along."

Chan's face seemed to become muddled, and quickly his confused state turned red and flushed. Like the Prince had confessed to him. Chan grabbed his hand back and nodded and said, "Yes your highness, I want to be plenty close with you, forever."

Screw His Highness |Verkwan|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant