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|Dirt Lake|

|Dirt Lake|

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"Will you ride the lake with me?" Seungkwan said, attempting to open his parasol.

Chan had convinced Seungkwan that a tea party on the lake would be a better idea to clear his mind of any further irritation present. It seemed like a pleasant plan and it had been a while since he rode.

"Isn't that butler of yours riding with you?" Vernon said, taking the parasol and opening it for him.

Seungkwan rolled his eyes and snickered, "Well, the boat can hold a whole party of eight, I am sure there is room for two of my best men."

"Two of your best men? When did we become such a thing?" Vernon said, lifting the parasol away from Seungkwan's grab for it.

"My protector and servant, dearest knight and loyal butler, I would say you both should be within the terms of my best men," Seungkwan said, jumping to catch his parasol from him only to be caught in his chest.

Vernon smirked and grabbed Seungkwan's shoulder with his spare hand, before handing the boy his precious sun protector. "Awe, then my place on the lake is already predetermined."

Seungkwan blushed, Vernon's grip on his shoulder clenched and softened teasingly. When his hand lifted, the place felt warm, Vernon's human temperature so alarmingly significant.

He watched the other boy walk away and towards the boat to help load the rest of the stuff, the clouds in his mind already clearing up.

He finally sighed and walked towards a blanket on the grass under a tree to sit and wait. Although the events of the forenoon seemed to be falling away, his nerves and uneasiness didn't seem to follow.

How much longer would he feel this way? Seungkwan pushed his head down into his arms, watching Vernon and Chan talk on the boat from where he sat.

He couldn't understand himself. He was sure there was about no one in the castle that could possibly help him understand these feelings... well, besides that stupid tutor!

I am not seeing that jerk anytime soon! Seungkwan pouted and shoved his head down again, trying to erase all trace of that pretentious prick.

"Your highness, everything is ready," Chan said, suddenly sitting next to Seungkwan.

"You!- well, I guess there is no point lecturing you," Seungkwan waved his hand.

"Well even though I like it, you can still do it," Chan said, "In fact, I am more hurt you are so kind to me."

"I am not kind, I am purposely not doing anything to you to make you suffer," Seungkwan grumbled, annoyed at the word 'kind' being used towards him.

"Still good for me, the desire is what truly keeps me going," Chan said, rubbing up against the prince's side, which received a harsh shove away.

Screw His Highness |Verkwan|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin