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|Take Me|

|Take Me|

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Vernon got up from the chair and a sudden wave of nerves hit Seungkwan. Anxiously he turned away, his stomach starting to feel awfully heavy and his hands wet.

He closed his eyes, trying to push away these strange feelings coming over him. These weren't the familiar nerves he gets before their activities, rather there was something else lingering there, ever so prominently.

For a brief second his mind flickered to this morning. His craving for a tight embrace, a shared warmth. His face blew with heat.

He gasped when he felt a firm grasp on his shoulders, and he felt chilled as hands slid down his shoulders and across his chest.

Vernon was close. So close he could feel his warm breath at the curve of his neck.

He was leaning in, if he bare fangs Seungkwan would feel it and he'd shiver like a caribou beneath a wolf.

Seungkwan twitched at the first tug on his nightgown button. He almost completely forgot about what he had instructed so in his head about the mere presence of his knight.

He wondered whether Vernon really did intend to just dress him or if he would find himself pinned beneath him, devoured like that caribou he envisioned.

He jerked when he felt Vernon slowly pull the shoulders of his gown down and he froze when Vernon grabbed his arms and held him in place.

"You're shaking. Calm down." Vernon instructed him, as he slipped the nightgown off the boy.

Seungkwan's body open for the eyes to explore. Which Seungkwan was sure that Vernon was doing. Even though he did not face the brooding man, he could feel his stare eating away at every curve and bump on his body.

Although, Seungkwan would be the last one to admit he had imperfections. He couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious while Vernon observed him. No matter how freeing being naked was, Vernon's presence made him want to cover himself, and hide away any unknown flaws.

"I said calm down," Vernon spoke again, this time he grabbed Seungkwan by the shoulders, as though he was going to force him still. "I haven't done a thing to you."

"S-sorry..." Seungkwan nipped his bottom lip.

"I will only dress you if that's what you wish," Vernon said as he came closer and Seungkwan could feel his uniform touch his back. The fabric touching him only made him jitter.

"Ah!" Suddenly the feeling of rough fingertips brushing over his healing skin where the initials were carved, caused him to unknowingly jerk and step back into Vernon's chest.

Vernon caught him before they could trip back together but in order to save them something that was attached to Vernon's belt fell to the ground.

Seungkwan took a glance beside them, and he titled his head curiously. On the ground, there was a rod with a tiny leather flap.

Screw His Highness |Verkwan|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin