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"Haha, good morning." Seungkwan turned away from Vernon, he pushed his hands forward and stretch his arms and back out like a cat on the floor.

Vernon pushed his hands to his sides and bowed slightly. "Your highness, praise be the seventeenth kingdom."

"Reason for visit?" Seungkwan flopped over and pushed his arms out, and let the blood that covered his body to smudge all over the clean circle left by his carpet.

Suddenly cold chills ran down Seungkwan's spine when he heard the sound of his doors click shut.

"Punishment for your insolent attitude."

P-punishment? Me?

Seungkwan lifted himself up quickly, his eyes widened as he watched the taller boy start to approach him. He pushed himself back a bit until he hit his bedpost.

A flash of yesterday's instance filled his head, and caught him off guard. Vernon was now only a metre away.

"Stop there," Seungkwan demanded as he pushed his hand out and closed his eyes.

The boy felt something heavy in his chest, his body almost frozen in the spot he sat. The only thing that moved was his hands that were shaking.

"W-what are you doing stay away—" Seungkwan gasped when he felt a harsh grip at his wrist and a pull that got him to his feet.

"L-let go of me you fucking peasant!" Seungkwan shouted, trying to rip his arm away, his body being dragged across the room.

His wet feet made a bloody trail in the direction Vernon pulled him.

To shut the smaller boy up. Vernon pulled Seungkwan across his chest before taking his free hand and clasping it around Seungkwan's mouth.

Seungkwan gripped at the boys hands trying to scratch and pry them from his face, but it was almost impossible. Vernon was incredibly strong.

"Mm, mmm!"

Vernon dragged Seungkwan all the way back to his bathroom. His eyes scattered around in a panic. What the hell is this bastard doing?

Then out of nowhere Vernon pushed Seungkwan down into the tub, the rim of the tub jabbed into Seungkwan's stomach harshly which made the boy cry out in slight pain.

"H-huh w-wait what are you!"

Seungkwan panic when he felt Vernon's hand grip the back of his neck in place, before then starting to pull down his blood stained pants.

Screw His Highness |Verkwan|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora