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| O Negative Panties|

| O Negative Panties|

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Seungkwan crouched down and turned on the tap to his tub. He touched the water waiting for it to go hot, Seungkwan couldn't stand the cold. As he did that, the blood that stained his palm and fingers drained.

Seungkwan pouted as he watched the fresh blood he attained run down the drain in a big swirl of red.

"How dreadful, that bastard made me waste my breakfast." Seungkwan mumbled as he leaned back onto his bottom.

Seungkwan bit his lip as he looked down at his lower throbbing half. "This is annoying. Why must this be my body?"

Reacting such a way...

Seungkwan slowly grabbed his erection in his hand. He held tightly onto it, and winced.

"Who'd want to do perverted things with a filthy person like you?"

"Shut up." Seungkwan whined as he pulled on his length. "I'm not."

"Disgusting then."

"N-no..." Seungkwan pushed his head back, his heart in his chest began to pound rapidly in his chest. His body started to become hot.

"I-ah..." Seungkwan squeezed his member in his hand stopping himself.

Seungkwan stared up at the ceiling with tired eyes. He bent his legs, his knees up to his chest, as his toes curled in the air. "Mm... more..."

Seungkwan began to stroke himself again gently. His breath wobbly. He pushed his other hand in his mouth, shoving his fingers deep in.

"You fucking—"

"Nn..." Seungkwan sniffled, the hot water in the bath started to rise and splash against his pale skin, turning his body a light pink.

Big tears rolled down the boys eyes, damping his red coloured face. He pushed his wet fingers down, and beneath the water, touching the rim of his ass.

Seungkwan pushed his head forward and blinked, more tears rolled down his cheeks, as he stared at his dripping length. "Mm... fuck..."

Seungkwan poked a finger into him. His toes stretched out before curling again and he let out a loud whine.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Seungkwan jumped, frightened, when he heard the loud slam of the door. His body tensed up and he froze.

"Would you hurry up in there? How long must it take to shower, are you that dirty?" Seungkwan heard Vernon say from the other side of the door.


Suddenly Vernon's "dirty" began to ring around his head, and Seungkwans stomach began to turn and tighten.

Seungkwan wiggled his fingers in himself, pressing down on his walls, making his body begin to tremble.

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