Season 1, Episode 8: Planning

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Veronica and Betty had to postpone their first date until Betty's ribs heals up, at school Veronica and Betty are walking down the hallway not holding hands yet they want to see how it goes first with the relationship just between themselves

'Are you ok to be at school?' Veronica asks Betty, Betty looks at her

'Yeah, it only hurts a little bit when I walk but other then that I'm fine, I think' Betty says

'What do you mean by that?' Veronica asks

'Well I'll be fine for now but I don't know about the rest of the day' Betty says

'Gotcha you' Veronica says

'How are things going with your mom and Archie's mom?' Betty asks

'Good, me and Archie are still trying to get use to seeing them together but we both agreed on that Archie's mom brings out the human in my mom' Veronica says, Betty chuckles

'I can see that' Betty says

'There's a lot of people that doesn't understand it and I'm glad that they don't because it's something special that we understand what it is' Veronica says

'People don't understand it because something like this has never happened in the universe' Betty says

'True, how did you explain your bedroom mirror to your mom?' Veronica asks Betty

'Oh thank God for Archie and Judhead because yesterday they came back after my mom left for work and put in a new mirror for me' Betty says

'Wow they are sweet guys' Veronica says

'Yeah but don't tell Judhead that' Betty says

'Tabitha has to know that he's sweet too, right?' Veronica asks

'Oh yeah, he has done some sweet stuff for her that she told us about' Betty says

'Can I ask you something about Cheryl's and Toni's relationship?' Veronica asks

'Be careful what you say about that relationship because if Cheryl finds that you said something bad about their relationship good luck' Betty says

'No actually, I was going to ask if Cheryl does tell Toni what to do because I heard from Reggie that Cheryl does that' Veronica says

'Well in a way yes but you know Toni is with the serpents and Cheryl is the queen of the serpents so what Cheryl says goes in that aspect but as their relationship goes…' Betty says, before Cheryl cuts her off

'As our relationship goes it's not anybody's business but mine and Toni's' Cheryl says, she walks up to them

'Cousin who's been spreading lies about our relationship?' Cheryl asks Betty, she looks at her

'Reggie told me last night that you tell Toni what to do' Veronica says, Cheryl looks at her

'And I said why do you care if Cheryl does or not, maybe it's some kind of kink they like together, I don't know what goes on between them that's between them, nobody else is apart of their relationship' Veronica says

'You said kink right?' Cheryl asks

'Yeah, why?' Veronica asks, Cheryl starts thinking

'You just gave me an idea, I'll see you guys later' Cheryl says, she leaves, Veronica smiles and Betty looks at her confused

'What just happened?' Betty asks

'Toni was asking me for some advice about how Cheryl can spice up their relationship because she has been trying to but Cheryl isn't interested and I just plant a little seed in Cheryl's mind and she can do whatever she wants to' Veronica says

'Wow you are seeking' Betty says, Veronica smiles

'Thank you' Veronica says, the bell rings and they go to class


Archie is at his locker and Judhead walks up to him

'Hey man' Judhead says, Archie looks at him

'Hey Jud' Archie says

'Hey guys' Veronica says, as she and Betty walks by them

'Hey Veronica' Judhead says, Archie can't stop staring at Betty

'Yo Archie' Judhead says

'Yeah sorry Jud' Archie says

'Are you still hung up on Veronica, you know she's your sister right by blood literally' Judhead says

'I'm not staring at Veronica ever since I found out about her and me being siblings I stop all romantic feelings towards her' Archie says

'Oh then who was you staring at then?' Judhead asks

'Betty Jud' Archie says

'Oh, I hate to break to you bud but I'm afraid she's taking now' Judhead says

They both turns around and sees Veronica giving Betty a quick kiss before going into the classroom then Betty leaves, Archie sighs in defeat and Judhead pats him on the shoulder

'Come on man we're going to be late' Judhead says, Archie looks at him

'Yeah let's go' Archie says, they head to class together


Later that night everybody is at their houses and then breaking news comes on

'We hate to interrupt this program we had to come on the air to tell you that the black hood has strike again this time killing five people within twenty-four hours, when we get anymore details we will come on the air, until then we send you to regular programming' the guy says


Alice turns off the TV

'Oh my God' Alice says, Betty is paralyzed then there's a knock on the front door

'I'll get it, it might be FP, Hermione and Mary' Alice says

she gets up and walks up to the front door and opens it, it is them along with Veronica, Archie and Judhead they all walks in and Betty gives them the look like it's time to tell them what's going on

'Um there's something that we have to tell you guys' Veronica says, the parents looks at them

'What is it?' Mary asks

'We have been getting messages from the black hood over the past two weeks' Archie says

'At first we thought that it someone playing a prank on us' Judhead says

'But turns out that it's not' Veronica says

'And the reason why my ribs hurt is because they pushed me into my vanity mirror luckily Archie and Judhead was in Archie's room watching what was happening because I don't think things would have turned out this way if they wasn't there' Betty says

'Have you guys gotten any more messages from this black hood?' FP asks

'No, the last one we got was when that school event was happening, expose your family secrets or I will, something like that and that's when we found out about you mom and Archie's mom' Veronica says

'On the News they said that they strike again but we didn't hear anything about them killing people before until now' Judhead says

'Something isn't adding up' Archie says

'What do we do now, just wait until they kill again?' Betty asks

'We need to come up with a plan' FP says

'And fast too' Archie says

So they gather around and comes up with a game plan Hermione notices something going on between Veronica and Betty but doesn't say anything and just sits down beside Mary and starts their planning to finally stop this black hood killer

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