Chapter 2

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Opening my eyes, I noticed that everything was so loud. I heard students passing outside the restrooms. They were chattering, conversing.
Confused, I looked around, I was about to get up, but as I tried to, I only ended up falling down.

Oh, wait. I thought to myself
I've changed.

I tried walking on all fours on the way there, tripping occasionally. After that, I climbed one of the sinks, revealing my reflection.
I looked...different.
First of all, I wasn't even human. Also, I was a brownish-looking fox. More clearly, however, I was an Eevee.
"AHHH!" I screamed in confusion. "What the heck?!"

Okay. I have to calm down.
Wait, what? You can't! I'm a Pokémon!

Thinking about what to do, I then noticed that I still had the bracelet with the weird rock on. It was...glowing?
Could the rock have done this?
I mean...
What do I do?
Okay, let's see. I've turned into an Eevee during lunch, then blacked out. What do I do...?
"A-ha!" I exclaimed.
Maybe I could try to tell Bill,
Would he believe me?
I had to try.
I decided to practice walking on all fours. It was a bit hard at first, but I eventually navigated the restroom skillfully.
Every hour or so, I would reach into the pile of my clothes and get my phone from my pants. I used this to check the time. The school bell also reminded. It was very loud because of my new, freakishly oversized ears.
Eventually I got bored, so last period, I left.
Taking my phone (now heavier than I remembered), I used my front paw to open the door.

I sneaked around the school quietly. Looking around, I suddenly noticed just how large it was compared to my small size.
"Wow." I said.
I then began to notice how calm it was. The school was almost quiet, if you didn't count the numerous people chattering in the distance.

The grass in the courtyard was a bright green. Small flowers grew peacefully amongst it. The air was fresh and crisp, the sky a bright blue, filled up with puffy clouds.

I slowly approached the grass, letting the pads of my new paws touch the soft dirt.

Could I live like this?

It was so calming. For a moment, I stood there, proudly. Instinct began to take over as I felt a light breeze pass me. Despite the distant talking from the nearby students, everything was calmingly silent.

In a quick snap, I returned to reality.
The bell—now louder than ever—interrupted my moment of peace with a ear-splitting sound.
Almost immediately, a bunch of kids came running down the outside hallway. I quickly scattered, finding safety under a bench.
I waited until Bill came out. He came out last, looking frantically for me.

As all of the other students disappeared, I slowly, but surely, I came out of the bench.
He glanced at me.
"Oh my gosh." he exclaimed. "IT'S A REAL EEVE—"
I pounced on his chest, making him fall down. I shushed him. "It's me, Mark!"
I shushed him again.
"Oh... Sorry." He replied.
"I, umm, I think I turned into an Eevee, Bill."
"Uh-hu." he nodded confusedly. "I see."
"What should we do?"
"A-ha! Maybe we should take you to Sohpia's and see if she can turn you back!"
I thought little about this plan. Maybe my instincts are starting to take me...
Oh well, I thought.
If it is for the better, then...

I picked up my phone, and then Bill picked me up.
I turned on my phone, and then opened it. I opened Messages, so I could text my mom.
"hI, moMl." I started.
"i'M gOnNA go To hAve a SLeepober aTSopiA's hOuze. PicK ME uPo tmorroW at 9;00."
It wasn't that great of a text message, but it will have to do. I hit Send.

That'll keep her at bay for now.

Bill quickly began to run. I looked around. My little sister was climbing the bus. She seemed very sad.
That made me realize that this thing is a lot more serious than I thought.
Bill quickly entered Sophia's house (The back door was open). Sophia was on her dining table, quietly working on her homework. She was confused when she saw Bill.

"What are you doing here?" she asked in an annoyed tone. "And why are you holding a fox in y—"

"Ugh!" Sophia said, getting up. "What now?"
"Mark's an Eevee!" Bill cried out, pointing to me as he started going up the stairs. Sophia followed him.
"What?" said Sophia, obviously confused. "Wait, are you messing around with me about that Pokémon thing again? I'm telling you, they're not real!"
"But this time, it's an emergency! It's for real now!"
As they argues up the stairs, I finally decided to act.
"No, they're not—" continued Sophia.
"Sophia!" I screamed.
She looked at me with disbelief.
"I am Mark, not a fox."

Sophia looked at Bill, then at me again.

"Uh." she said, on the verge of fainting.
"We have a problem."

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