Chapter 12

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Bill looked at me, tiredly.

"Wha-aah?" he said, waking up after my encounter.
"Nothing, I'll tell you tomorrow." I told him, as I thought on how I could tell him and Sophia about this tomorrow.

"Mmph..." he mumbled into his pillow and going back to sleep.

I laid down and slept on my own shoulder, because of the fact that I don't need a pillow when I am a pillow.


As I woke up, I felt a good feeling, like we where about to go to New York City very soon.

That's when I heard a scream.

I rushed outside to see what was wrong.

Sophia was screaming at the fact that... wait, what?!
"Where are we?" I said, looking around and seeing that we are in the middle of a different forest.

"I knew it." I thought out loud.
"What?" asked Sophia curiously.

"Mew teleported us near New York City!"
"You're right." Sophia said, rebooting her computer. "We're nearby the suburbs of Jersey City."

"I thought that Mew couldn't teleport." said Bill as he almost tripped on his own feet.

"Yeah." I agreed. "Though, some things seem different from the franchise itself."

"Yeah..." Bill looked everywhere tiredly.

We then packed up and decided where to go next. Sophia decided to lead us northeast. After a few minutes, the forest began to clear, and we finally made it to what looked like the suburbs of Jersey City.

The place looked terrible. The place itself looked as if a hailstorm hit it. Cars where smashed. Windows where broken. A tree seemed to have fallen down.

In the distance, a Slowbro with a beard (sorta) seemed to be roaming around. When he saw us, he quickly ran off.
In the distance, I did see the land slowly lower itself into a river, and then into Manhattan Island.

"The virus reached HERE?!" I shouted.
"Well, I have checked, and the virus has spread to the majority of the eastern U.S., as well as some other countries."

"Now what?" I asked. "Maybe we should walk to the subway, if it still works."

Bill seemed to have an idea (who knowed that he could?).
"Maybe we could put your hand to the side of the road. You could get a taxi this way. I did it when I went here on vacation."

"Haha, Bill. I'm pretty sure there's no taxis driving around here." I told him, still raising my hand—err, paw, to the side of the road.

As I put it to the side, I suddenly saw a car speeding in the distance. As it got closer, it was a taxi.
And I'm not joking!

As this taxi saw my paw it screeched to a halt. The window pulled down and I saw a Lucario wearing sunglasses behind the wheel.

"What's up?" he said, putting his sunglasses down to see us.

"H-hi." Sophia told him nervously.
"Hey, dude!" Bill said in a much more relaxed tone. "I'm Bill, and this is Mark!" He pointed to me.

"My name's Dan, guys. You need a ride somewhere?"

"Maybe, but any other form of transport—" started Sophia.
"YEAH!" Bill eagerly yanked Sophia into the back seat, along with himself. I slowly walked into the car.

"What are you guys doing here anyways?" asked Dan.
"It's a long story, but we can't tell the whole thing now." I told him. "What about you?"

"Well, I was just a 21-year old looking for a job, and here I am! Too bad I couldn't drive anybody before I got turned into a Lucario. Oh well, I guess I can still drive, at least."

"You can." said Sophia, disappointed at how she could probably will never be able to drive with her four feet and no hands.

"Anyways, where are you guys going?"

Bill told him the location of his sister's house.
"Okay, fasten your seatbelts."
I tried to put in on, and after some time, I did it. Bill did, too. Sophia didn't have as much luck as I did, though. She was tangled.
After helping her with that, we where ready.

Suddenly, Dan pressed the throttle and started to race toward the highway.

Sophia immediately looked carsick. She gulped.

As he took a sharp turn, he quickly and skillfully switched gears. After some rather reckless, but impressive driving, the taxi hopped onto the George Washington Bridge.

Sophia almost threw up by now. As the Lucario sped of the bridge and into a normal road, Bill looked at him with admiration.

The car hit a speed bump next, and I tried not to hurl. For the grand finale, the car drifted right into the street and stopped right next to an apartment block just across Central Park. This was when Sophia puked once and for all.

"Ew..." I said to myself.
" big deal, just a bit of barf." Sophia said.

Dan didn't seem to mind about it that much. "I'll clean it later." he said. "Anyways, here's your destination!"

As the three of us hopped off the taxi, Bill looked at Dan with awe.

"...Woah." Bill exclaimed. "That was sick."

Dan laughed. "If you need me again, call me. Don't worry about the price, it's free."

He put a sticker on Bill's Yankees cap, which made him growl slightly, but he changed his expression back again.

"Later, guys!" He said, driving away, into the distance.

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