Chapter 7

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As it came from the shadows, I saw it.
It (he, really) had green skin (scales, really), as well as a tan-colored chest and belly. He also had some yellow mixed in-too.

He was a Snivy.

I saw him pick up his hat. That's when I noticed who he was.

"Uh, Sophia? Would you mind telling your grandma that she won't get any snacks?"

A wave of relief hit me. "Bill!" I said.
"Hey, Mark!" he answered me.

However, Sophia was not as happy.
"Bill!" she yelled. She ran up to him and tried to pull his non-existent shirt. She then pushed him down.
"AAHHHHH!" Bill screamed in confusion.
"WHAT WERE YOU DOING?!" Sophia demanded to him.
"Okay, get off me!" he said.
"Not until you tell me what you where doing!"
"I was going to tell you!"
"Okay, fine!"
She let go and took a few steps back.

"S-sorry I overreacted." said Sophia.
"Anyways, what happened?"

"Well, it's a long story, sorta. You see, as I was buying snacks, a robber came, and he was a Pokémon! I think he was a Raichu.
He demanded money or else he'd turn us into Pokémon so the cashier gave him some money. However, he said that that wasn't enough, so he attacked everyone in sight with his powers."
"Powers?" exclaimed Sophia, confused.
"We'll tell you that later, Sophia." I told her. "You can go on Bill."
"I tried to run but was caught and turned into a Snivy, I guess. But, hey, at least I look pretty cool as a Pokémon, don't I?"

"Oh, okay." I said, slightly scared but fine. "Now what are we going to do ?" Sophia told us. "We can't tell my mom, or your mom, or any of our parents since they'd freak out and panic."

"Yeah, we'd better go and—"
My phone made a sound. I check to see if there were any notifications, and as it turns out, my mom texted me saying this:

"MarCosx, Pl3Ase cOme hOjume. W3 HaVveb anEmargenCiy."

Guessing from the typing, mom also must have been turned into a Pokémon.
"Uh-oh." I said.
"What is it?" asked Sophia.
"My mom, I think she's been turned into a Pokémon too!"

Suddenly, a GIGANTIC FIREBALL began to fly towards us. We instantly scattered to safety.
"Ahh!" I screamed.
"What was THAT?!" said Bill nervously.
I looked into the distance and saw a Charizard.

A literal Charizard.
He looked like the Alpha variant, and was blazing fire all over the town, burning houses and turning people into Pokémon.

"I'd better go home to my grandma!" said Sophia.
She rushed out to her house.
"Uh, I guess I should go help other people." Bill told me.
We split, and then I started to head to my house.
Dodging one of Charizard's moves, I ran quite swiftly all over the streets. I noticed lots of people turn into random Pokémon. One unlucky news reporter got turned into an Arcane.

After lots of running I finally reached my house amongst the panic.
The door already open, I went in and saw bags being packed up, as if we where going to move.

A Flareon in the distance then spotted me. I noticed her as my mom.
"Oh, MARCOS!" she said desperately. "You're here!"
She ran to me and then hugged me.
"Where's Izzy?" I asked. "And why are our bags packed?"
"She's over there." Sarah said, pointing to a Shiny Eevee trying to draw something. "Tambien (also), I'm keeping our belongs there since we're probably going to set a refugee for Pokémoms somewhere else."

Wait, Pokémoms? My mom knows even less Pokémon than Sophia! This almost made me want to laugh, if it wasn't for the disaster that was looming just outside.

"I'd better head up to my room to grab some of my stuff." I told mom.

I quickly went up the stairs (I have now mastered the art of climbing stairs) and barged into my room.
Most of my belongings have been taken, though, but some stuff was left.
I had little use of my paws, but I was able to snatch the strange note written by 'Ewmay'.

As I was about to leave the room, I heard a huge blast, as if a cannon was shot into my bedroom.

I immediately turned around, afraid. There was a huge hole was in the wall, and the Charizard was back.

I think he was about to fire a Flamethrower move at me, when my mom went up to see me. I looked at her, and in one split second, she said "LOOKOUT!" and pushed me into the wall. Just then, the Charizard blew a huge fiery laser.

Feeling faint, I managed to catch a glimpse of my Mom battling the Charizard.
Then, everything went blank.

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