Chapter 10

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After Bill finally found a satellite antenna, Sophia started to work on improving the computer. As time passed, the computer became bulkier and bulkier.

Anyways, I went to eat lunch with my family, which passed quickly, and then went to hang out with Bill. He didn't really save much, though at least an old-looking TV were there.
His dad, a Serperior, was looking at the TV with a blank expression, and his mom wasn't doing much either. I got bored quickly, so I said goodbye to Bill and left.

I began to head with Sophia's. As the early evening light casted on me, I began to see the sun slowly lowering itself in some distant mountains.

Once I entered, Sophia glanced at me excitedly.

"W-what's wrong?" I said, confused.

"You came just in time Mark! You see, using a locator chip, I found out where the other gemstones are! There's just one problem..."
"Oh, what's wrong?" I told her. I took a glance, only to become shocked at the results.

The gems where scattered all over the entire earth. There was one here, but the rest where all over. One was in the Amazon, another in Tokyo, yet another in New York. There where about 7 all over the place, including mine.

We'd have to go to them all to restore the gem.

"You see the problem now, don't you?" she said.
"Yup. Now what?" I replied.
"I honestly have no idea. Unless you count going to all of those places."

It was the only way.

Thinking deeper, I thought just how hard this could be. Should I tell Mom?

By now, Bill has entered the tent carrying a juice packet in his small hands.

"What's up, guys?" he said in a relaxed tone.

We stared at him for a second. Sophia then asked him to come over here.
After we explained to him all about the gem, and showed him the computer, he seemed little surprised, but mostly looked...happy?

"Uh, why are you smiling?" I asked.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he said, answering my question with a question.
"Probably not." I said to him.
"We're going to have an adventure, guys!"

An adventure. Who knew things could turn this way?
"I-Im going to my grandma and see what she thinks." stuttered Sophia.
"I should go to my mom to." I told them.

We both head off to get our parents, hoping that I wouldn't get in trouble.


"WHAT?!" my mom Sarah exclaimed.

I looked up to her nervously.
We were back at Sophia's cramped tent again. Sophia's grandma decided to let go of Sophia after some talking, and Joe and Karen (Bill's parents) let him go almost immediately. Izzy was there too, but she didn't really want to go with us.

All I have to do is convince my mom...
Easier said than done, really.

"We already have too many issues, especially with us turning into these...uh...Pokémon! I just can't afford any more trouble." my mom went on.

"But I-I—" I began.
"NO! My decision is final."

There was a moment of silence.

Sophia finally stood up. She slowly trotted towards her. Everyone watched her quietly.

"Mrs. Sarah? Mark...h-he has to go with us, since he has one of the gems." she told her, nervously, but doing her best to keep up.

"You see," she continued, "he was the first one to actually turn into a Pokémon himself. This could be important."

Mom looked at her for a minute. Then, she sighed.
"Fine. You guys go tomorrow at dawn. Bill, saying that one of the gems are in New York you older sister lives in New York City, right? I want to check if you all have a guardian."

"Yup!" he said excitedly.

Feeling relieved, I took a deep breath. "Finally." I told to myself.

Wiggling his small, leafy fingers, Bill looked thrilled. He was happy that we where going to have an adventure.

The Andersons left quickly short after, though Bill was blabbering about how Izzy was a shiny Eevee. Sophia and her grandmother left a bit later.

After having a quick dinner with my family, I took a look outside, seeing the sun setting between the nearby mountains.

I went back inside to lay down in my sleeping bag. Feeling tired, I slowly drifted to sleep.

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