Chapter 5

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My eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the morning light.
I raised my paw to my phone to check the time.

It's 7:00.
I heard distant clacking. I lifted my head and saw Sophia typing in the computer. She was quietly muttering to herself on how difficult it was to type with paws.
"Hi." I said quietly.

Her ears perked up.
"Oh, you're awake?" she said, adjusting her glasses. She seemed to have put them on, though they didn't really fit.

"Yeah, why not." I replied.
"Well, I was just researching about Pokémon. I don't really play a lot of video games, but I am learning lots fast. I'm also looking at your DNA, too."
"Okay." I told her. "Where's Bill?"
"He's downstairs."
"Alright. Be right back."

I left the room and started to head toward the stairs.
The stairs themselves looked huge in size, compared to when I was human. I still went down nonetheless, since I wanted to see Bill.

Slowly, I put my foot into the stairstep...
Then, I suddenly tripped, falling down two more stairsteps.
Ouch, I thought to myself.
At least those stairs where carpeted...

I them gave it another go, this time being more careful.
Once again, I put my foot into the stair.
Luckily, I didn't collapse this time.
I did this a few more times, and after what felt like a minute, I was on the floor, safe and sound.

I then trotted down to Bill, who was in the kitchen.
"Hi, Bill." I said, looking up at his tallness as he poured a box of Frosted Flakes into some bowls.
"Oh, hi, Mark." He said tiredly.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm gonna give you and Sophia some cereal. I wonder why she woke me up early. After all, it's Saturday."
"Well, Sophia is researching more about our transformations, so I guess she'd get hungry after a while."
"Ooh, that makes sense. I'm gonna go up to Sophia now. C'mon, follow me."

I went with him, forgetting about the stairs until I found them in front of my face again.

Guess I forgot that.

Once again, I struggled to get myself up the stairs, only to find it quite hard. After a moment, I made it up.

I went to Sophia's bedroom and started to eat the cereal. Saying that frosted corn flakes are smaller than nachos, it was easier to pick them up, even with 3-fingered paws.

Sophia and I chewed on the small breakfast quietly, though Bill brought some milk later on.

When I was done, I heard a knock on the door.
This sounded familiar.
Sophia looked out of her window.
"Mark, it's my grandma!" she yelled, getting down of her desk.
"Should we hide?" I questioned.
"Not really. She's quite lazy, so she won't really do much on the sight of an Evee."
"An Evee? What's that?"
"Oh, sorry. I meant Eeve."
"I think you mean, 'Eevee'?"
"Oh, yeah. Thanks for correcting me."

As we heard Bill open the door, I went out of the bedroom to see a glimpse of Sophia's grandma.
The grandma herself seemed somewhat fat, but not that fat really. She had very light gray hair, almost white.
"Where's my little Sophia?" She asked, putting her arms out and preparing for a hug. Her voice was high-pitched.

"Uh, I think she is in the bathroom." said Bill.
"Oh, alright, boy. Who are you, anyways? Are you that boy, Marcos?"
"No, I'm Bill."
"Oh, alright. Do you have any snacks?" Sophia's grandma slowly settled into the couch.
Uh, not much, but if I could just go to the gas station—"
"Well, then? Go!" she screamed as she reached for the controller. "Que locura! (So much craziness!)" she muttered under her breath in Spanish.
"Okay, I'm gonna go tell Sophia."
He went up and stepped on my tail.

I tried to hold in the pain that it caused.

"Oh, sorry, Mark!" he whispered, taking his foot off.
"It's oh-oooo-kayyy." I replied painfully, my tail twitching as the pain slowly went away.
"I'll tell Sophia where you went, Bill."
"Okay, Mark. Bye!" He made a thumbs up.
I tried to make one too, but I didn't have a thumb, so I ended up sticking my paw in the air, looking stupid.
He then went down the stairs, took his Yankees baseball cap, and closed the door.

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