Chapter 9

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Note from me:

Hey, I hope you like the story so far. Sorry for not publishing on time, I've been busy lately. Anyways, the next part of the story is below. Thanks for reading!


I barged into Sophia's tent.
After I stopped running, I saw Sophia, looking confused at me.
"What's it with you running here? Do you need something?"
I told her my entire theory on the gem.
"So you ate a gemstone?" she asked.
"Drank." I said. "I drank a gem."
"That's strange. It was glowing when you drank that milk the other day, right?"
"Hmm... well, I did see your DNA and luckily you only drank a little, so it won't harm you much, however, about the licking of paw yesterday..."

"Well...what?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow—err, I mean ear.
"That's instinct."
"I-i-instinct?" I shuddered at the thought.
"So the other day, I saw your DNA, and not only did your body change, but your brain could, too. I don't know how it will change, but it could change somehow. I guess you should prepare."

The thought of me not dying from the gem made me feel relief, but the thought of the word 'instinct' made me worry.

Hoping that this instinct thing will go away, I decided to take a look around the tent.
The tent had a sleeping bag in one corner and another stuffed in the other one. In the center there was Sophia's computer.
I'm not sure how she saved that, though, but I didn't think on that for too long.

Sophia came up to me and examined the note.
"Who's 'Ewmay'?" she asked.
"I don't know." I said.
"It looks as if..." she said.
She then made that face that she makes when she gets and idea.
She looked at it and cover the letters "ay" at the end of "Ewmay."

"Mew." she murmured to herself.
"What?" I said. "Mew?"
"It's Pig Latin for Mew."
"What's Pig Latin?"
"It's used for secret codes. You put the first letter of a word in the end and put 'ay' behind it. This, for example, is 'Mew'. I'm not sure what's a Mew. Maybe it's a meow?"
"No, Mew is a legendary Pokémon." I told her. "It has psychic powers."
"Okay." she said.

Why would a legendary Pokémon write this to me? Am I...

That's when I had a thought.
"H-hey, Sophia? In the note, it says that the gem has multiple pieces. I have one here."
I showed her my bracelet, which I've mostly forgotten about, but just remembered right now.

"Uh-huh." she said, looking closely.
"Maybe, we could find the other ones?"

"Nice plan!" she said. "Maybe, if I could examine that gem, I think I could find it."

She tried to take out the gem with her paws.
" take it out..."

After a minute or so of struggling, the orange gem finally popped out of place.
She went to her microscope, and hooked up a wire to a computer.
"Be right back, Mark."
She then headed outside.

After a minute or so, she entered again.

"What happened?" I asked.
"I told Bill to find an antenna with a GPS system."
"Okay." I said, wondering how Bill would even understand how to find that in the first place.

For the next couple of hours, I wasn't doing much but laying down and thinking about Mew. Sophia was researching about Mew.
At around noon, Bill came back with an old-looking piece of paper and a green chip.

"What's the paper?" I asked.
Bill gave me the old piece of parchment. I looked at it, and it was a map of Vienna.

Sophia came and looked at it.
"Huh?!" she said. "Bill, I asked for an antenna. This, well, this is a map of Vienna! Where would you find this anyways?"

"The dumpster, where else?"
"Well, it's strange to find a whole map of an Austrian city in a dumpster, but like I said before, I want an antenna."
"Oh, uhh, sorry."
"Maybe you could look for one in the rubble of what used to be the town?"

"Okay." He said, heading out swiftly.

"Well, at least we have the chip." she said, inserting it into a little hole in her computer.

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