Chapter 14

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I look at the clock.
It's 4 in the morning. That...that's...
Eventually, my common sense began to creep back into my brain, remembering... Hmm...

What was it?


"Nah, I don't think it's anything important..." I said to myself.
Looking around, Sophia was curled up in a makeshift pet-bed. I had one too but in the other side of the room. Embarrassing, I know, but it's all I had.
Bill was in the couch with his sister, him snoring loudly.

Looking tiredly at my bracelet thingy, I sluggishly returned to the pet-bed to sleep.


"OMIGOSH!" I scream to myself, my idea returning back to my brain.
"Ugh...what did you do now, Bill?" groaned Sophia tiredly. She looked at me.
"Oh, it's you."

"S-sorry, Sophia, but I just had an idea." I told her. "Look, my bracelet thingy is going wonky." I shined a light on it to make sure.
"Doesn't that tell use where it's nearby?" she asked.
"Yeah, because it glowed when I drank the milk, right,?"
"Yeah, it might be a few blocks down at most. Finally, we find one at last."

Strangely enough, Phoebe has waken up, but Bill hasn't. He was still snoring deeply.
"What's happening?" said Phoebe. "This better be good."
Sophia explained the whole thing to her.
"...and now, as you can see, we could go look around for it!"

"O-okay, but I'm not sure. It's VERY late so it'd be better if you rested for a while. Maybe in a couple of hours you all can go."

I sighed.
"Fine." I said in unison with Sophia.
We went to sleep quickly.


"The cure is ready" said Jake.
His small hands, reduced to paws, carefully tried to bring a small tube of liquid.

"Let's hope it worked while we did have the stones, OR ELSE..."

"Morgan, look. It took six months to make this, so please, I beg of you, be patient-"
Understand, Jake?"

"Y-y-YESSIR!" he said, running quickly. He almost dropped the tube but made it.

"Give it to me." said Morgan.

Jake gave it to Morgan's pink hands. Wait, pink?
He began to drink it.
"Finally. With this, my instinct will never take over the better part of me. Now, let's look around for the other gemstones."

"W-w-well...what about us?" Jake and Drake said sadly.

"I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU LATER! NOT NOW, WHEN I HAVE TIME!" Morgan was angered by the very thought of it.

"Fine." said Jake. "As you wish."

"Now, we shall start searching for the gemstones?"


I felt sunlight shine on my fur. Breathing quietly, I stretched myself.

Is it morning already?

I got up and looked at the time on my phone. It's 9:00, Friday. I then remembered my idea for finding the gems.
After we ate a breakfast we went to look around in the streets.

"Nah, doesn't seem to be here..." said Bill.

"We've already searched the surround blocks. It's gotta be here somewhere..." Sophia told him.
She still was carrying around that huge computer, when in reality my bracelet's gem seemed to be emitting these...uh...waves? I mean, it's helping us, so okay.

I tried to tell her that the computer was just too big and that my bracelet was working better.

"Uhh, Sophia?" I asked her. "The bracelet is working too. I was wondering if...?"

She sighed. "Okay, fine, I'll put this back, but I'm still gonna use my phone for the GPS. I'm not sure magic bracelets come with one—AHH!!!"
Her computer fell into a manhole. Sophia looked with pity as it crashed down.

"Oh no", said Phoebe with deep concern shrouding her face. "Now what?"

I took a moment to breathe. Then, I noticed how my bracelet was pulsing some waves...towards it?
"Well, guys, the bracelet says to go in there. The gem must be in there."

Everyone had their different reaction to this. Bill thought, as per usual, that this was awesome. Sophia was extremely disgusted simply by the thought of it. Phoebe shrugged.

Nonetheless, I was the first one to (try) to go down the ladder. It was...very difficult, not gonna lie. As if stairs where hard enough...

Fortunately, I didn't really fall or anything like that, despite not having opposable thumbs.
One by one, we all went down, even Sophia, though she wasn't very glad at all.

"See that, huh?" said Bill. "We're gonna go get us a gem piece!". We where entering the sewers, and Bill was more optimistic than ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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