Chapter 11

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Waking up, I felt sunlight on my face.

Getting up, I yawned and began to pack my bags. It was time to go.

After a few minutes of packing my bags, I said one last goodbye to my family, and joined my friends as they left the camp.

"Hey, friends!" I said as I joined up to them.
"Hi." Sophia and Bill said. Sophia was moving a huge cart with her bulky computer, along with a large travel suitcase, too.
Bill, on the other hand, had nothing but his Yankees baseball cap and a tiny backpack along his back. The backpack had a unicorn on it's front pouch, for some reason.

We didn't speak much for the next minute.

"I guess this is awkward." I said rather awkwardly, immediately wishing that I didn't say that.

"Why? she asked. "I need this computer to locate the gems. See, the first gem is in New York City."

"Yeah, and I couldn't really find anything else in my size for my backpack."

As the camp slowly got further away, Sophia looked at her computer, then at me.

"Honestly," stated Sophia, "I agree with you. This is weird."

"Yeah, me too." said Bill.
We all yeah'd on the subject and left it there.

As the camp vanished from sight, we talked more. We'd mostly stay silent every now and then, but as we headed through the forest, we would get bored.
Every few hours, we would set camp and build a tent to eat a meal. Our parents did give us enough food for a few days, as well as some snacks.
Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time to set up the tent, so at best it would take an hour to set it up.

At evening, Bill overloaded on the snacks. Luckily, Sophia and I stopped him before he opened a bag of gummies.

As I laid down after eating "dinner" (by that I mean microwaved easy mac and beef jerky), I finally got some time to sleep.
"Sophia." I said to her.
"I hope tomorrow gets better."
"Me too."

Truth is, it wasn't.

Just after packing up, Bill tripped on a rock, so we had to set camp again to take care of him. Also, halfway through the day, he tripped, again.
It was like this for days.

"Ugh..." I groaned. "Are we there yet?" It has been four days.
"We are getting closer now," Sophia said, "but we're still in Pennsylvania. Also, you asked that 5 minutes ago."

"Maybe we should set camp, it's getting late anyways."
"Okay." Sophia said.

We grabbed the tent stuff, and started to make a "tent".
Luckily it didn't take long, but the tent looked horrible. At least it was better than last time.

As we ate and started to go to sleep, I felt a strange presence...
It was as if...

...Someone was watching over us...

Feeling exhausted, I ignored it and went to sleep.
Wait, what?

I got up groggily, and saw a pink shimmer in the distance. And in it was...


"What? Is something wrong?" Mew said in a somewhat childish, but serious voice.

"Wh-wha-what are you doing here?" My ears perked up with surprise.

"I needed to see you." she said. "To tell you the meaning of the poem."

"Okay." I said, looking at her closely.

"You see, some time ago, a evil group decided to try to combine the gem, to rule the world and revert people back to animals, but luckily, I kept one safe and gave it to you. The group decided to combine the gem anyways, but ended up unleashing a virus that turns people into Pokémon."

"Yes, go on." I told Mew.

"However, by combining the gem again, you can help revert the people and save the world!"
She gave a little "hee-hee" here.

"Oh, nice!" I said. "Wait, people's minds are... know...?"

"Sadly, yes." she sighed sadly. "This is all of my news, though. I will help you on your journey and check in on the group. Anyways, bye-bye!"

She gave a little "tee-hee" again and left.


"WOAH!" I shouted.

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