Chapter 13

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Note from me:
Hi, guys, I'm sorry for being late. I've decided to revamp my story, and here's Chapter 13!
I looked up at the apartment block. It looked like it's mostly made out of concrete bricks. The front door seemed to open when pushed, so luckily, we didn't need to grab the handle.

As we entered, we saw a mostly empty entrance hall. On the service desk was a half-asleep Snorlax.
Sophia went up to the Snorlax.
"Hello?" she asked the Snorlax. "Hello?"

"I DIDN'T EAT THE JELLY DONUTS!" he jolted into place.

We looked at him, confused.

"Oh..." he said, chuckling. "Sorry, there, kids. Didn't see you there."
Bill told him if his sister was here.
"Yup." he replied eagerly. "Room 204."

We went up the elevator to the second floor. Once we where up there, we went to the apartment door. Bill knocked.

After a second of waiting, the door opened and revealed Bill's 21 year-old sister, Phoebe Anderson. She seemed to have turned into a Servine.
"Uhh, Bill, is that you?"

"Yeah!" he said happily. Phoebe looked relieved.
"And who are you guys? Mark?"
"Yeah, that's me." I told her.
"Uh-huh." she said.

"Oh, phew, c'mon in."

We entered the apartment. It looked fairly decent, but small. At one side of the apartment was a TV and a couch-bed, and to the other side a kitchen and a tiny dining room.
The bathroom seemed to be in a different room, but otherwise that was it.

"So, yeah, this is my apartment. Do you think it's nice?"

We all nodded our heads.

"Okay." she said. "Anyways, your parents told me to help you with your quest, so if any of you need anything, I'd be glad to help."

Phoebe then walked to the kitchen to look for something to drink.

"Well, I guess that was your sister, wasn't it?" Sophia said, looking at her struggling to get to the top shelf.
Bill nodded.

I then decided to watch TV, and wanted to see the news. As it turns out, most channels didn't seem to work. Eventually, it seemed that one channel did work, it was a news channel.

A guy (human, still,) was talking about how this Pokémon thing was spreading all over the United States, as well as Canada, Germany, and some other countries. He warned people about random precautions, such as "don't go outside" or "be careful of water Pokémon in your pipes".

After a moment, the news turned upsetting, so I looked for other channels. There wasn't much else, though I did watch a somewhat boring sitcom after some searching.

I got bored of TV. However, Phoebe told us to practice our moves, so we headed off to Central Park after this.

"Nice job!" she called out. I was getting dizzy and was spinning around right after I Quick Attacked (the move, by the way) a hay bale.

At least it did get pushed some five feet away. Sophia was having trouble, though. She wasn't that good at that, but she tried and she pushed it some four feet, or at least that's what I saw.

Bill and Phoebe practiced too, but eventually Bill decided to lay down for a minute to regain energy (Snivies photosynthesize).
After that we did Bite, but that was easy. You just had to, well...bite.

Getting grass out of my face, we went to eat lunch. Phoebe explained how she turned into a Pokémon. "I was just eating breakfast when it happened. Some people where panicking like crazy, so I went to check. Next thing I knew I was in a world of pain. Once I turned into a Servine, I just looked at myself and decided to, well, deal with it, I guess. My building decided not to abandon the city, fortunately, and here we are."

Bill glanced at me as I nibbled on pasta. It didn't really taste that different compared to before I became an Eevee.
After that, not much happened. We goofed around and played a board game during dinner. As I went to sleep, I hoped that we could find the stone tomorrow.

Slowly dozing off, I thought about just how crazy this scenario is. I get turned into a Pokémon, everyone else does, and now we have to get rid of an evil power that wants to hypnotize us, and by that, we have to find a bunch of legendary gems, or whatever, so that everyone is happy and un-hypnotized.

This made me wonder—will we change back? Because, I have started to get used to my transformation, and there is some nice stuff about being a Pokémon, such as having powers.

I licked my paw, thinking—wait, what? Great, I forgot one vital thing. Instinct. How could I control this? Can I? Would it get worse?

I pondered on such thoughts for a long time. Eventually, I began to fall asleep...

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