Chapter 6

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After the door shut, I mostly remained there and stayed with a rather blank expression on my face.
After a moment, I then looked at Sophia's grandma. She was looking at a old 60's or 70's sitcom on the TV.
Bored, I went to Sophia's room because there's not much else.
She was looking in the microscope, then the computer at disbelief. Then she turned to look at me.

"Mark!" she shouted. "Just in time you came here."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"I think I found out something. Come take a look."

She seemed to have built some 'stairs' up to her desk, and by 'stairs', I'm mean that she made one out of cardboard boxes.

I climbed the boxes up and climbed up on the desk.
"You drank milk yesterday, right?" she said.
"Good observation." I remarked. "Where you spying on me during lunch?"
"No, not really. I looked at your DNA."
"Makes sense."
"Anyways, I found a strange chemical in the milk. You see this particles of this, right?"

She pointed to the screen, showing me some orange-looking particles.
"Yeah." I said.
Something looked familiar about those particles, though...
"Well, they seem to be from an unknown element. I'll see that later. Meanwhile, these particles, I think they infected you."
"Okay. What else?"
"Not much, though I've never seen such an element before."
"Oh, alright. See you later." I said, licking my paw.

Wait, what?

"Why did you..." Sophia looked into my paw.
"I..I don't know..." I said. "Maybe this is... a side effect from transforming?"
"I think I should see into this."She said. "See you later."
"See you too..." I replied.

By now, I was more bored. Trying to ignore the paw thingy, I went to play games on my phone. It wasn't very easy without thumbs. I couldn't even hold it.
I then looked outside and saw...

Wait a minute.

Is that a Psyduck outside?

I thought I was hallucinating, so I rubbed my eyes and double-checked.
The Pysduck was no joke. He was literally there, skulking in the back alley with a confused look.

I looked back at myself.

Is this an illness? Perhaps the new 'element' causes people to turn into Pokémon? Did something, or worse, somebody do this?
I shook my head, hoping that this was a trick of the light.
I then got a call from Bill.
I looked at my phone, then answered him.

"What's up, Bi—" I started, only to hear a loud sound that reminded me of panic.
"UHH, MARK?!" he asked, panicking.
Bill hanged up.

I looked at the phone at disbelief.

"What wrong with Bill?" Sophia said to me.
I got a mild shock. Sophia was watching me the whole time.
"We should go to the gas station." I told her.

"Ugh!" she groaned. "I guess he turned himself into a Pokémon!"
"You bet. I guess that he went to the gas station at the other side of town, 'cause he always goes there for the 'good service'."

I packed my bags (or lack of) and head off to the gas station, Sophia trailing behind me with a rusty-looking Radio Flyer wagon.
Before I could ask, she told me that it was a present when she

We didn't talk much on the way to the gas station. One time, I told Sophia how nice the sky looked like, but she didn't say anything.

After what was problem was 20 minutes, we arrived. The gas station looked ransacked and damaged. One window had a nasty-looking hole in it.
Holy cow.
Bill must have been through a lot.
Me and Sophia went inside since we had little choice.
The inside looked even worse. The cash register looked like it was beaten. A shelf looked like it was in the verge of collapse.

Then, I saw something that made my skin crawl.
Bill's Yankees hat.
Then, a shadow moved in the wall in the distance. It came closer to us.
Closer still.
Please...don' I thought.

Then, it moved out of the shadows.

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