Chapter 4

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I heard thudding as Bill went up the stairs. Relieved, I heard a groan behind me.
"Whaah... happened?"
I turned behind me and saw Sophia waking up and pushing her glasses up to her eyes.
Bill opened the closet door, looking at me and Sophia.

"I-Is that Bill?" asked Sophia. "Why does he look so tall—wait a minute."
She looked at her hand—turned—paw.
"Oh, no. This can't be."
"It is. Sorry, Sophia." I said.
"No, no, it's okay, it's just that I didn't know that this was contagious."
Bill looked at the both of us.
"Uhh, I, uh, uhh..."
"Bill, well, I guess you're scared now, but don't worry." I told him. I'll try not to do to do this to you.
"Oh, okay. You guys hungry?"
Bill crouched down to look at us.
"Yes, I'd like some nachos." I said.
"Me, too, please." agreed Sophia.

Bill got up went down the stairs. He then disappeared into the kitchen.
"Great, now I have to learn how to walk all over again!" Sophia exclaimed. She then took a step, but was already moving around the room within minutes.

"Well, that was easy." she said, as Bill went up the stair, carrying a bowl with his hand.
"Here's some nachos." he said.
"Okay, thanks." I replied.
Bill then told us that he was going to watch TV. He looked mildly worried.

I then prepared to eat my nachos. Then noticed that I didn't have hands.


Awkwardly, I slowly reached my mouth to the bowl, and then crunched the nachos with my sharp teeth.
The flavor of the nachos was similar to the ones I was used to, though then I noticed that it was slightly saltier.
Maybe my taste buds also changed when I transformed into an Eevee. I ignored it.

"This feels weird." said Sophia.
"Yeah, I feel embarrassed, even though you're the only one here besides me." I answered.
"Maybe if I try to grab them, I could eat the nachos."
She put her front paw in the bowl, and then tried to grab them. Saying that we do not have thumbs anymore, we had a hard time trying to grab them, but at least it worked after some tries.
"Oh, by the way, Sophia," I started, "your parents are going on a business trip. Your grandma is coming here tomorrow."
"Oh, okay." she said. "Why?"
"I-I don't know." I stuttered. "Maybe you could text your parents that later."
"I'm doing that now."
She stared to run to her desk, climbing some boxes she put there some time before.
After finally grabbing her phone, she began texting her parents. Then, I remembered something.
My mom! I had to tell her that I might be staying here tonight!
I asked Sophia for my phone.
"Okay!" she said. She threw them into my paws.
I checked the time.


I unlocked my phone and pressed the chat button.
I texted my mom the words "HeYh, MolM." "I wAnnnaAsz to StaiYe inM Sophsia'Z hOUse."
"Is tHaty oKaY w1Th yOuh?"
I waited for a response for the next minute. She then responded me.
"Yes, make sure Sophia has stuff. Do you have clothes with you?"
"UhHbfg, BiLmn haZ cLothEs."
"Okay. Have fun and see you tomorrow, Marcosito!"

Relieved, I closed my phone.
I ate some more nachos, as well as some water and some poorly-made chicken nuggets made by Bill. He was a bit scared of me, trying not to get infected and turned into a Pokémon.

By the time it was 9:00, I began to feel tired.
"Hey, Sophia, I feel tired."
"You can sleep in this blanket here."
She went to try to put a blanket and a pillow in the floor (which looked slightly hard). I felt like sleeping on the pet bed. Should I...?
No! That's weird! Get yourself together, Marcos!
"Thanks." I told her.
"You're welcome." She said to me.
All tired, I went to cover myself. I slowly drifted away...

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