Chapter 24

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Gosh okay here we go

"Ouch! Glob saggit!" I scream jabbing myself in the eye with the eye liner pencil again. Girls make it look so freaking easy. I tried again to draw a simple black line on my eyelids. I decided to wear a minimal amount of makeup today for Aaron. As much as I tried, I couldn't get a hold of him over the weekend. I was extremely excited to see him at school, and wonder what everyone will do or say. Either way, it didn't matter. I knew for a fact Mo and I would protect him with our crazy ninja skills.

I finished with the eyeliner and masquera, grabbed my book bag, and bounded down the stairs when I heard Kalan honking outside. He got his car back from his brother on Sunday, thank god. I ran outside and opened the back car door without hesitation because Mo was already shot gun.

"Are we picking up Aaron now?" I demanded.

Mo turned towards me with a frown. "No, his parents are taking him. He said it was for the best," she murmurs before her brown eyes light up slightly, "but we're meeting him at his locker. I got all of this from his mom. He wasn't up to answering phone."

I nodded as Kalan began to drive to school. I still kept a smile on my face. I was seeing my best friend again, and he was getting better. I could only picture the look on his face when he saw me wearing makeup.

"Beatrice! Your face! There's stuff on it!" Kalan shouts feigning shock. Speak of the devil.

"Oh, come on! It's not that noticeable, and, besides, it's for Aaron," I huffed.

"I never pegged you as a girl to wear makeup just for a guy," he says raising his eyebrows.

I playfully smack him on the shoulder as he gives an unmanly cry of protest

"Fine, fine, I was just joking, Baxter. You look beautiful with and without makeup. It's a natural look for a natural beauty," Kalan says giving in.

I just smiled and rolled my eyes at his remark. After a few minutes we pulled up to the school, and Mo and I were bounding out of the car like we were at the gates of heaven. We left Kalan to find a parking spot and were through front doors in seconds. I followed Mo to the hallway Aaron's locker was in, and our steps became quicker when we saw a pale figure leaning against the wall.

"Aaron!" I shouted as I rushed towards him, planning on tackling him with a bear hug, before he held up a weak arm, warning me to stop. Mo was right next to me in a matter of seconds, taking in Aaron's frail appearence.

"Hey, you look awful. I thought you were coming back to school because you were getting better?" Mo asks being as blunt as usual, but I found myself agreeing with her. Aaron was leaned up against the lockers for support with purple bags under his eyes and a yellowish pasty complexion. His skinny jeans and once too small t-shirt awkwardly hung off his body, though the dull cloudy look in his eyes is what made my stomach churn.

I exchange a nervous look with Mo before putting on a smile like everything is perfect. "What your filterless friend means is that we are so happy to have you back. We've missed you so much!" I say, my voice ringing with honesty.

Aaron's face stretches into a puppy dog like grin with his blue eyes scrunched and sparkling and some coloring seeming to reappear on his cheeks. Suddenly, he seemed back to normal, and our Aaron was back. I propelled forward and encircled my arms around his neck and within seconds he returned my hug.

"I missed you, too," he murmurs into my ear before lifting his head towards Mo. "Get in here!" He shouted, and surprisingly, she did.

We stood there in our lumpy hug, and soon broke apart, sealing a silent promise; nothing had changed. Mo and I smiled with our stubborn certainty, but Aaron's smile wavered as he crossed an arm over his abdomen. Of all the awkward body language I've seen him show, this one was new.

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